Then you go ahead to that giant mound that was harrassing me! >.<
*shakes head laughing* Nice choice of filler words, there. Of course, I probably can't do any better...
Hello, there! My name is lookaheartless! You can call me that, LAH or Raine, of you'd like! Everyone around here is pretty cool, just as long as you don't spam or disobey the rules. ^.^ If you need help, just yell! Hope you have fun~!
Yay! I'm glad to know that we are all a-okay.
See?! Evil muskrats! >.<''' You saved me again! *hugs* I owe you my life, to be honest. You've saved it so many times... Thanks :)
Whew, thankfully! My senses aren't as sharp as I would like them to be (it's midnight here), so those darned muskrats will catch me offguard!
I know it! But it'd be really awkward for my family because we don't act... "family-ish".
*hugs kglory7 back* See?! We are very family-like! Families hug each other and hide in closets and under beds away from guests! (Well, my non-internet family doesn't.)
Oh, my, I am gonna have to agree. I like 'Not So Kool-Aid'. "Don't touch me, you giant beverage!"
Ah, sweet! (More random words I can't think of)
Mmhmm, I agree. That is a good song. Ohhh, got it.
Which family? XD And I was gonna tell you guys something, but I forget what it was.. Oh yeah! Did you see the original thread got unlocked?!
Tch, Chuck Norris! Do not tackle kglory7! We are all family here! Oh, and I'm supposed to be off, but my mom is cool.
Aw, (I have absolutely no idea what we're talking about, but) I care about you, kglory7! Unfortunately, I have to go to bed. (Curse you, father!) Much love to you all~!
Night, mom! I shall celebrate with you, Namine!
Guys!! I Missed You So Much!!!! I'm Aliveeee!!!!
Sure thing, it's what I do!
*bows* Hello to you as well! I'm lookaheartless. You can call me that, LAH or Raine if you'd like. I hope you have fun on the forums as well! We're all cool here. Just please try not to spam :) If you have any questions, just yell! Enjoy your stay~!
I don't think you know me, Darky, but... If anyone ever needed a reason to admire you, that would be one of them. You just admitted that out in the open like this. You did that because Roxas had asked you to. That is something I respect people for; what you did. You don't know me, but I respect you.
Hello, Raven! I'm lookaheartless! You can call me LAH or Raine if you'd like. Everyone is cool here, so have fun! Oh yeah, and try not to spam. T'is a bad t'ing, spamming is!