My first is also The Nightmare Before Christmas. From there it's all between Robin Hood, Aladdin, The Emporer's New Groove, and Hercules (gotta love the old Greek-type stuff)
People are stupid. Stupid people bother me >.<
Interesting. Oh, the US thinks that thing is a symbol of a bomb so we arrested two dudes that were caught on tape or something.
How in the world does that symbolize a bomb? >.< People just amaze me.
Really! *salute* See you later!
Ditto for me! It was awesome talking to you guys! I hope I talk to you again sometime :) Or I'll probably say 'hi' if I see you around :D
Wow, that's pretty good! Oh, boy, the game's almost over 8X
Smilies always make it better. Wow, I've never posted so much in my life in one night O.o It's a record for me! Yay!
No, I know. It's cool! :) Look at the happy smilie! It'll make you feel better! Sorry, that was random.
Hallelujah, praise the Lord, pass the gravy, people on here know what they're talking about. Finally!
Fine, fine, be that way.
Why so pessimistic guys? There's still some time left!
Oi. Peyton went down with a 'thump'. He's huge O.o
Hah, thanks. Yeah, if a random person with this name says 'hi' to you, it'll most likely be me. It's nice talking to you :) Yeah, it's like whoa.
Not a challenge! ... Wait! We're GOOD! Thanks, I am! But the Bears are pretty good as well. Oh, and if you have to call me anything, you can call me Raine if you'd like. It's so much easier.
Indy got another touchdown~~~!!!
No!!! Marvin!!!!!
I'm not sure about anything anymore. I give up on trying to pick who's gonna win!
Ah, I see. I'm kinda biased right now 'cause I live here and all. Besides, my mom would maim me O.O Yeah, lol. It's cool though. We all like our teams :D
Am I the only one here who likes Indianapolis? >.<''' Sure thing, but you know I'm a girl, right?