Hola, guys! Ooh, new member, yay! I'm lookaheartless! You can call me that, LAH, Raine or even Macie if you'd like. I'm the Insane Child of this wondrous thing. "Welcome to our happy flock." ^^^^^^^^^^ (I always have to say that, I dun know why.)
Teh fishies are prettay! Urgggg, I hate teh morninggggg! It means school-time. Good morning, family! :)
Sure, anytime! Ah, I see... (wordsssss, lots and lots o' words)
... O.o I've never seen it in my life. Anyway... I like the new sig! It's awesome!
Okay, bye Sorafan! Have fun doing that homework! Speaking of which... Ah, I can do it later..
lol! I dun even wanna know! Bwahaha, take THAT! Evil guests of doom! How do ya like them apples?!
Sowwy to interrupt your conversation, guys! I just keep popping out of nowhere! How rude of me... Urk! Curse those wretched monkeys! (Double muskrat)
Oh my gosh! Are you cereal? It's that much?! *cough*I think*cough*muskrat*cough*
Hey! *hugs back* Nothing much, you? YESH!!! T'is very awesome!
*pops out of nowhere* Hi guys! Work was killer >.>
Resist it, man! Resist the childish urge! (Although, sometimes it's kind of fun.) Muskrat
...All right? I see I missed some things?
Oyyy, I dunno if I like this club >.> OMG! I am too.
*shrieks* WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!!?!?!?!? I leave for six hours and I miss all this?! >.< :(
Teh ebil muskrat ish gone! Man, I can't believe I missed it!
I joined too, mom! Brother told me about it ^_^ Hey, Namine!
Yay! You are aliveeee! I think you are absolutely right!
NUUUU! DUN DIE!!! Now I have to do CPR on you! *does CPR*
lol I saw that one! Oh, that one almost made me die! He said if he said "Gesundheit" then he said he's sound like Hitler or something? I can't remember exactly what he said, it's been a while.
*nods* I saw that! You've got a good point!