You enjoy taking tests? Cool, I'm Spider-Man!
Ugh, not fun. Said the spider to the fly...
Yeah, I've got a few finals, tests, and some term papers to study for. Uh-oh. Don't examine me.
Like I said earlier, school. Finals are coming, and I need to buckle down. What're you hoping to be?
Later today, like after lunch. What school are you going to?
Pretty good. I'm pretty much spending my last morning here talking with people. Soon as I leave the dorms, I'm not going to be on the site for a...
>_< You sicko.
Sound the alarm! Boredom alert!
*blows trumpet* CHARGE!
Ok, I'm going to have to leave the site. It's only a temporary leave, but...I dunno, this just doesn't feel right. I really don't want to leave. There are a lot of people here I'm going to miss. Badly. You guys and girls know who you are. Anyway, back to the reason: School. Finals are coming up, and I need to buckle down and get stuff done. This is pretty much my last night here. I'll be back in the morning to check messages, but that aside, this is my last day here, for about....I dunno, two, three months? That said, I need to leave a few, very important messages... Magick: Okay, I know we talked about this, but I still feel I need to say it: You can have my chocolate pudding, but DO NOT take my cake! I intend to use it for my mold monster experiment. scarred_heart634: Do not play with my umbrellas while I'm gone. I've told you before, you can't use them for that 'swallowing sword' trick to get back the pickle you swallowed. If it opens up on you, it's game over. Pure Beats~- Please, do not use my Power Ranger zord designs to take over the world. I told you before, I need to copyright them first, then use them myself. myoblivion: Mommy, just wanted to let you know, Dad called. He said something about a paternity suit, and said you're really my aunt, and he's my step-brother. If all this should go as he said, I'll be my own grandpa....*sniff*... cocohints: Sis, you can borrow my stereo, but please, no polka, you know how that gives everyone the runs....especially with your baby on the way. Forever Love: Don't eat the paper clips, and please, remember to wash the vacuum cleaner. You know how it needs it's baths... Destiny's Force: I should let you know, I salute you in all your efforts. You were the first, and only person, to ever truly beat me in a game 'pin the tail on the donkey'. I might have been dreaming when all this went down, but fireball you shot out from that exploading 'shadowjak pinata' was well worth the loss. Catch The Rain: I will never stop trying to take over the world. I just want you to know that. My goal to rewrite the recipe for the bran muffin/brownie combination must be corrected. .....Some of these messages might have been just a taaaad exagerrated. Be that as it may, I'll miss you guys.
Yeah, umm, I think we did get it, but we just didn't really care.
For the love of....that sounds like the majority of people on campus, "I'm not trying to show my boxer shorts!" Heh, I've got to wear jeans all year round: The joy of working in a lab.
Well, I knew society as a whole wasn't that bright, but I just figured it was natural selection failing to do it's job.'s more like intellegence is getting sucked out more and more each minute. Like a parasite, or something.
Well, you know, it's all legend. I have no proof...but I think it's worth investigating.
Legend tells that one of those pods was where they decided to place Walt Disney's corpse, before it was relocated to Tron's world, and that a substitute was placed where his grave should be. Now, DiZ tried to get Namine to wake Sora up, by taking Walt Disney out of his pod, and putting Sora in his place, thinking all that original Disney goodness would be enough to restore his memory....or, you know, that's how the legend goes.
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
I just overheard a couple of girls talking about guys. She said watching these 'cute guys' was giving her organasms. Not 'orgasms': 'organasms'. She said that was the right way to say it. *bangs head on the wall*
Good. Getting ready to go eat, though. You?
Could've been worse. It could've been, 'hay haaaaaaaayyyy'.