That actually seems to compliment it.
Cool. I want to learn more about Aqua.
What part are you looking forward to in the game?
I think I'll wait for the English will you be able to tell what's going on?
Least of two evils, I guess.
Yup. Why're you going to NY?
Tired, due to school, and about to head to dinner. You?
The new lyrics for the second version of 'Ultimate Showdown'.
Cool. Talk to you later.
Summer of '05. It was a 1974 Chevy camaro, silver colored.
That's awesome. First ride's always the most memorable.
Very nice. What kind is it, exactly? Year and model?
Maybe....or maybe not. idk....
Heard of him, but haven't seen much of that purple...thing's works. Nor do I want to XP
Truth? I haven't the foggiest idea. I was just 'O_O' over the squirrel part. Well, if this doesn't raise concern about squirrels...
No problem.
You've found a way to get hyper off of pixie sticks?
Nope. I'm a nerd, almost. Spider-Girl/Woman. Look her up on's character bio.
Who doesn't? Too late. I called dibs.