*shrugs* Nobody said it was going to be easy. Anything else?
Not unless you plan on eating said 'squirrel'.
WAAAAHHHH!!!! *dies*
Not a problem.
Great, now I'm paranoid about my cleaner products...
I've heard of going out with a bang, but you, sir, are strange.
Oh yeah, right up there with 'you're all gonna die'.
What's the difference between it, and the regular ds?
'kay. Have fun.
Good luck with that.
That is pretty high. Wonder if the English version will go down any...
Keep on postin', then.
S'okay...anyway, can't wait.
Darn it, now you're getting me excited...
Yeah, especially Ven's.
Care to elaborate?
The sensei looked pretty tough. Hope we get to fight him.
What on earth did I miss?
Yeah, that looks sweet. I want to learn about how Maleficent gets so involved in this story.
We've no confirmed information about either of them. True, he uses darkness, but I actually want to believe Terra stays good throughout the game....