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  1. Aurangzeb56
    no codes have been maed fr it yet
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Aurangzeb56
    u can convert these codes to AR Max
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Aurangzeb56
  4. Aurangzeb56
    well u must have tha code wrong or ur Master code change tha master code and then try it again.....

    well yea thts because tha widsom forms cant attack on tha ground withtout tha fix and Razor made a fix fr tht code so u can ask a coder porter to poet this code into tha NTSC vers
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Aurangzeb56
    yea thts tha place
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Aurangzeb56
    yea true it isnt there hmm kk then here:

    Room Modifier V1 [Press and hold R2 before entering a new area.]
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 0000YYXX

    Save Room Modifier
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BB3C 00EEYYXX

    XX - World
    00 - Debug Room [Save Room Modifier Onry]
    01 - World of Darkness
    02 - Twilight Town
    03 - Destiny Islands
    04 - Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion
    05 - Beast's Castle
    06 - Olympus Colisseum
    07 - Agrabah
    08 - Land of Dragons
    09 - 100 Acre Wood
    0A - Pride Lands
    0B - Atlantica
    0C - Disney Castle
    0D - Timeless River
    0E - Halloween Town
    0F - World Map [o_O WTF?]
    10 - Port Royal
    11 - Space Paranoids
    12 - The World That Never Was
    13 - Insta-Freeze
    FF - Title Screen

    YY - Room Digits [Note - NE means No Escape.]
    Debug Room
    00 - The Usual Place [Itsumono basho]
    01 - Lobby
    02 - DES(14)
    03 - DES(15)
    04 - DES(16)
    05 - DES(17)
    06 - Main Capsule
    07 - DES(9)
    08 - DES(10)
    09 - DES(11)
    0A - DES(12)
    0B - DES(13)
    0C - Tron
    0D - Toy Story
    0E - Monsters Inc
    0F - DES(1)
    10 - DES(2)
    11 - DES(3)
    12 - DES(4)
    13 - DES(5)
    14 - DES(6)
    15 - DES(7)
    16 - DES(8)
    17 - Hollow Bastion 1
    18 - Test Map (Realtime 1)
    19 - GBA1
    1A - GBA2
    1B - Number One Street? [Ichiban gai]
    1C - Hollow Bastion 2
    1D - Test Map (Lion King)
    1E - Test Map (Mulan)
    1F - GBA3
    20 - Test Map (Collision)
    21 - Test Map (Entrance)
    22 - Test Map (Attribute)
    23 - Test Map (Calib) [karibu] (Caribbean)
    24 - Test Map
    25 - CharaCheck [Possibly Character Check]
    26 - Sound Check
    27 - Test Map ([KABE])
    28 - FM(1)
    29 - FM(2)
    2A - FM(3)
    2B - FM(4)
    2C - FM(5)
    2D - FM(6)
    2E - Cockpit
    2F - FM(7)
    30 - FM(8)
    31 - FM(9)
    32 - COM(1)
    33 - COM(2)
    34 - COM(3)
    35 - COM(4)
    36 - COM(5)
    37 - COM(6)
    38 - COM(7)
    39 - COM(8)
    3A - COM(9)
    3B - COM(10)
    3C - COM(11)
    3D - COM(12)
    3E - COM(13)
    3F - COM(14)
    4B - [Dummy]
    4C - FAKE [This message does not exist]

    World of Darkness
    00 - The Dark Margin [NE]

    Twilight Town
    00 - The Empty Realm [NE]
    01 - Roxas's Room [NE]
    02 - The Usual Spot
    03 - Back Alley
    04 - Sandlot
    05 - Struggle Event Sandlot
    06 - Market Street: Station Heights
    07 - Market Street: Tram Common
    08 - Station Plaza
    09 - Central Station
    0A - Sunset Terrace
    0B - Sunset Station
    0C - Sunset Hill
    0D - The Woods
    0E - The Old Mansion
    0F - Mansion: Foyer
    10 - Mansion: Dining Room
    11 - Mansion: Library
    12 - Mansion: The White Room
    13 - Mansion: Basement Hall
    14 - Mansion: Basement Hall [Burn, baby! Yes, I had to make the Axel joke.][NE]
    15 - Mansion: Computer Room
    16 - Mansion: Basement Corridor
    17 - Mansion: Pod Room
    18 - On The Train [NE]
    19 - The Tower
    1A - Tower: Entryway
    1B - Tower: Sorceror's Loft
    1C - Tower: Wardrobe
    1D - Tower: Star Chamber
    1E - Tower: Moon Chamber
    1F - Tower: Wayward Stairs [To Star Chamber]
    20 - Station of Serenity
    21 - Station of Calling
    22 - Station of Awakening [NE]
    23 - The Mysterial Train [NE] [No, that wasn't a typo]
    24 - Tunnelway
    25 - Underground Concourse
    26 - Tower: Wayward Stairs [To Moon Chamber]
    27 - Tower: Wayward Stairs [To Sorceror's Loft]
    28 - Betwixt and Between
    29 - The Old Mansion [NE]

    Destiny Islands
    00 - Beach [NE]
    01 - The Main Road [NE]
    02 - Main Island: Shore [NE]

    Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion
    00 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    01 - The Dark Depths (With Heartless Army below)
    02 - The Great Maw
    03 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    04 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    05 - Ansems Study
    06 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    07 - Restoration Site (Before Destruction)
    08 - Bailey (Before Destruction)
    09 - Borough
    0A - Marketplace
    0B - Castle Corridors
    0C - Heartless Manufactory
    0D - Merlin's house
    0E - Castle Oblivion (Not 100% solid)
    0F - Ansems Study before Xehanort took over (Not 100% solid)
    10 - Ravine Trail
    11 - The Great Maw (1000 Heartless Conditions)
    12 - Restoration Site (After Destruction)
    13 - Bailey (After Destruction)
    14 - Castle Corridors during Nobody and Heartless fight (Sealed)
    15 - Cavern of Remembrance: Depths
    16 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mining Area
    17 - Cavern of Remembrance: Engine Chamber
    18 - Cavern of Remembrance: Mineshaft
    19 - Transport to Remembrance
    1A - Garden of Assemblage
    1B - Room of Sleep and Stairwell (found by AntiWeapon) (Not 100% solid)
    1C - BSOD
    1D - BSOD
    1E - BSOD
    1F - BSOD
    20 - The Old Mansion (Vexen's Area)
    21 - Station of Remembrance (Larxene's Area)
    22 - Zexion's fight area
    23 - BSOD
    24 - Villains Vale (Not 100% solid)
    25 - BSOD
    26 - Station of Oblivion (Marluxia's Area)
    27 - BSOD
    28 - BSOD
    29 - Instant Freeze

    Beast's Castle
    00 - Entrance Hall
    01 - Parlour
    02 - Belle's Room
    03 - Beast's Room
    04 - Ballroom
    05 - Ballroom (First Boss Area, Text Misplaced?)
    06 - Courtyard
    07 - The East Wing
    08 - The West Hall
    09 - The West Wing
    0A - Dungeon
    0B - Undercroft
    0C - Secret Passage
    0D - Bridge
    0E - Ballroom (Jap. Text?, Where Beast and Belle Dance?)
    0F - Bridge (For Xaldins Fight?)
    10 - Freeze
    11 - Freeze

    Olympus Colisseum
    01 - Collesem gates (Cant get to the lobby for some reason, Undestroyed)
    02 - Collesem gates (destroyed)
    03 - Underworld entrance (Triggerd a cutscene for me )
    04 - Collesium foyer
    05 - Valley of the dead
    06 - Hades chamber
    07 - Cave of the dead: Entrance
    08 - Where you fight pete.
    09 - The underdrome
    0A - Cave of the dead: Inner chamber
    0B - Underworld cavern: enterance
    0C - The lock (With the meg engraving thing, reaction command to remove lock dosent do anything)
    0D - The underdrome (cutscene verstion, can go into the soul pit place.)
    0E - Collesem gates (destroyed, night)
    0F - Cave of the dead: Passage
    10 - Underworld caverns: The lost road
    11 - Underworld caverns: Atrium
    12 - Collesium gates (Where you fight the multiheaded thing)
    13 - Underdrome (small, for tornament fights)
    14 - Insta freeze

    00 - Agrabah
    01 - Bazaar
    02 - The Peddler's Shop [From first visit?]
    03 - The Palace
    04 - Vault
    05 - Above Agrabah
    06 - Palace Walls
    07 - The Cave of Wonders Entrance
    08 - Freeze
    09 - The Cave of Wonders Stone ...
    0A - The Cave of Wonders Treasure Room
    0B - Ruined Chamber
    0C - The Cave of Wonders Valley of Stone
    0D - The Cave of Wonders Chasm of Challenges
    0E - Mini Game? "Head Towards Jafars Shadow!", Jafars Invincible.
    0F - The Peddler's Shop [From second visit?]

    100 Acre Wood
    00 - 100 Acre Wood World Selection? [P]
    01 - The Big Tree [Forgot what it's called]
    02 - Pooh Bear's House [NP?]
    03 - Rabbit's House [NP?]
    04 - Piglette's House [NP?]
    05 - Kanga's House [NP?]
    06 - The Day of a Wind? (Possible Mini Game Area?, Messed up Text, Blue Screen) [NP?]
    07 - Eye the collection of Honey (Jap. Text, Possible Misspelling and Mini Game Area) [NP?]
    08 - Flower Fence Valley (Possible Mini Game Area?, Jap. Text) [NP?]
    09 - The Spookey Cave [NP?]

    Pride lands:
    00 - Pride rock
    02 - Kings den
    03 - Long gourge place.
    04 - The savana
    05 - Elafant graveyard
    06 - Gorge
    07 - Wastelands
    08 - Jungle
    09 - Oasis
    0A - Pride rock (restored)
    0B - Oasis (Night)
    0C - Overlook
    0D - Peak
    0E - Scar's darkness
    0F - (Looks like Savana, cept it didn't have a proper title and I couldent leave the area)
    10 - (Where Mufasa died)

    01 - Treasure Room [NE]
    02 - Undersea Courtyard [P]
    03 - Submarine Open Space (Jap. Text?, Same as 02, Recolored) [P]
    04 - Freeze?
    05 - Sunken Ship [P]
    06 - Wrath of the Sea (Daytime) [P]
    07 - Seashore (Same as above, Nighttime, Jap. Text?) [P]
    08 - Seashore (Same as above and 06, Evening) [P]
    09 - Wrath of the Sea (Area when you are singing with Ursula) [P]
    0A - D (Wedding Ship?) [P]

    Disney Castle
    Room 00 - Audience chamber
    Room 01 - Library
    Room 02 - Colonnade
    Room 03 - Courtyard
    Room 04 - The Hall of the Cornerstone (With Thorns)
    Room 05 - The Hall of the Cornerstone
    Room 06 - Gummi Hanger
    Room 07 - Gathering Place
    Room 08 - Instant Freeze

    Timeless River
    00 - Cornerstone Hill [P]
    01 - Pier
    02 - Waterway [P]
    03 - Wharf [NP]
    04 - Lilliput [NP]
    05 - Building Site [NP]
    06 - Scene of the Fire [NP]
    07 - Mickey's House [NP]
    08 - Villians Vale (Black & White) [NP]

    Space Paranoids
    00 - Pit Cell
    01 - The Canyon
    02 - Game Grid
    03 - Data Space
    04 - I/O Tower
    05 - I/O Tower: Communications Tower
    06 - Simulation Hanger
    07 - Solar Sailor Simulation
    08 - Central Computer
    09 - Central Computer Core
    0A - Solar Sailor Simulation

    The World That Never Was
    00 - Where Nothing Gathers
    02 - Fragments crossing
    03 - Memories skyscraper
    04 - The brink of dispair
    05 - The soundless prision
    06 - Nothings call
    07 - Chooked asention (Going up)
    08 - Chooked asention (Going down)
    09 - Twilights view
    0A - Hall of empty melodies
    0B - Something of empty melodies (Where you meet up with kairi and riku)
    0C - Naughts skyway
    0D - Proof of existance
    0E - Havoks divide
    0F - Where you fight Saix (Full kingdom hearts moon + beam hitting it
    10 - Naughts aproach
    11 - Something something passage (Where Maleficent and pete fight the heartless swarm. )
    12 - The alter of naught (Oddly the kingdom hearts moon is still full and there is no door.)
    13 - Memorys contortion (where you fight Xemnas 1)
    14 - The world of nothing (the final fight area, with exit)
    15 - The world of nothing (where you fight Roxas)
    16 - Station of awakening (where you fly around in the litte thing with riku and sora)
    17 - Armor 2 fight (with attacking dragon (crashes))
    18 - Armor 1 fight
    19 - Core (with attackable core! (Crashes if you attack it enough) )
    1A - Twin cannons (With working reaction commands)
    1B - First area of final battle
    1C - Second area of final battle
    1D - Alter of naught (no kingdom hearts moon)

    Title Screen
    FF - Title Screen
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Aurangzeb56
    Profile Post

    hey Truth sup

    hey Truth sup
    Profile Post by Aurangzeb56 for Soraoscuro, Jun 24, 2009
  8. Aurangzeb56
    Infinite HP
    200F7000 8C820004
    200F7004 0806891E
    200F7008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03DC00

    Infinite HP
    200FE000 8C820004
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800

    All Sora Weapons
    0032F0D1 00000062
    1032F0D2 00006262
    1032F0D4 00006262
    0032F1AB 00000062
    0032F1AC 00000062
    0032F1AF 00000062
    4032F1B0 00040001
    62626262 00000000
    0032F1C8 00000062
    0032F1C9 00000062

    All Goofy Weapons
    0032F0D9 00000062
    1032F0DA 00006262
    1032F116 00006262
    2032F118 62626262
    1032F11C 00006262
    0032F11E 00000062
    0032F1AE 00000062
    0032F1C3 00000062

    All Donald weapons
    0032F0F3 00000062
    0032F11F 00000062
    2032F120 62626262
    2032F124 62626262
    0032F12A 00000062
    0032F1AD 00000062
    0032F1C2 00000062

    All Bottle Items (98)
    2032F0B0 62626262
    1032F0B4 00006262
    0032F0B6 00000062
    0032F111 00000062
    2032F194 62626262
    1032F198 00006262

    Have All Accessories
    0032F0B7 00000062
    4032F0B8 00030001
    62626262 00000000
    1032F0CA 00006262
    0032F0CC 00000062
    1032F0CE 00006262
    0032F0D0 00000062
    1032F0D6 00006262
    0032F0D8 00000062
    1032F0DC 00006262
    1032F0E0 00006262
    0032F0EA 00000062
    1032F0EC 00006262
    0032F0EE 00000062
    1032F0F6 00006262
    1032F0FA 00006262
    0032F101 00000062
    0032F107 00000062
    1032F108 00006262
    0032F10A 00000062
    2032F10C 62626262
    1032F112 00006262
    1032F114 00006262
    0032F129 00000062
    0032F12B 00000062
    1032F12C 00006262
    0032F12F 00000062
    2032F130 62626262
    1032F134 00006262
    0032F136 00000062

    Have all Consumption/Items Materials/Key Items/Dummies
    2032F0B0 62626262
    1032F0B4 00006262
    0032F0B6 00000062
    0032F111 00000062
    0032F13F 00000062
    2032F140 00626262
    0032F147 00000062
    4032F148 00090001
    62626262 00000000
    0032F17B 00000062
    2032F17C 62626262
    2032F194 62626262
    2032F198 62626262
    1032F19C 00006262
    2032F1D8 62626262
    2032F1DC 62626262
    1032F1E0 00006262

    Have All Normal/Synth/Weapons/Acc Items/No Dummies
    4032F0B0 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    0032F0C9 0000000A
    1032F0CA 00000A0A
    4032F0CC 00020001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F0D6 00000A0A
    1032F0D8 00000A0A
    1032F0DC 00000A0A
    1032F0E0 00000A0A
    0032F0E2 0000000A
    0032F0E7 0000000A
    1032F0E8 00000A0A
    1032F0EA 00000A0A
    1032F0EC 00000A0A
    0032F0EE 0000000A
    0032F0F3 0000000A
    2032F0F4 0A0A0A0A
    1032F0FA 00000A0A
    4032F0FC 000B0001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F128 00000A0A
    0032F12B 0000000A
    4032F12C 00100001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    0032F17B 0000000A
    2032F17C 0A0A0A0A
    0032F181 0000000A
    4032F194 00020001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F19C 00000A0A
    0032F1AB 0000000A
    4032F1AC 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F1C8 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    1032F1E0 00000A0A
    0032F1E5 0000000A
    1032F1E6 00000A0A

    Have All Normal/Synth/Weapons/Acc Items < Compress >
    4032F0B0 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F0FC 000B0001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F12C 00100001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F1AC 00060001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    4032F1C8 00050001
    0A0A0A0A 00000000
    0032F0C9 0000000A
    1032F0CA 00000A0A
    2032F0CC 0A0A0A0A
    2032F0D0 0A0A0A0A
    2032F0D4 0A0A0000
    2032F0D8 00000A0A
    2032F0DC 00000A0A
    2032F0E0 000A0A0A
    2032F0E4 0A000000
    2032F0E8 0A0A0A0A
    2032F0EC 00000A0A
    2032F0F0 0A000000
    2032F0F4 0A0A0A0A
    2032F0F8 0A0A0000
    2032F128 0A000A0A
    0032F17B 0000000A
    2032F17C 0A0A0A0A
    0032F181 0000000A
    2032F194 0A0A0A0A
    2032F198 0A0A0A0A
    1032F19C 00000A0A
    0032F1AB 0000000A
    1032F1E0 00000A0A
    0032F1E5 0000000A
    1032F1E6 00000A0A

    Press Select to Delete All Inventory Items.
    E002FFFE 0034D45C
    4032F0B0 00500001
    00000000 00000000

    wel u can get tha Room Mod in tha first page and tha Max strnth 2 btw all these codes r frm tha first page
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Aurangzeb56
    well yea but how do v knw which enemy is on which slot??

    yea v do :)
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Aurangzeb56
    its fr codebreaker but it can b converted to AR Max
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  11. Aurangzeb56
    1000 Heartless battle (R2)
    E003FDFF 0034D45C
    1032BAE0 00001104
    2032BAE4 00420042
    1032BAE8 00000042

    EDIT: well Razor already posted it above
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Aurangzeb56
    hmm then can u make a tutorial on how to find tha UCM??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Aurangzeb56
    hmm but i thought tht all tha bolt towers have only 1 replacement adress...........??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Aurangzeb56
    Profile Post

    ePSXe* correction

    ePSXe* correction
    Profile Post by Aurangzeb56 for JLHack7, Jun 24, 2009
  15. Aurangzeb56
    i knw ....
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  16. Aurangzeb56
    can u reupload tha file since tha file has expired...
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Help
  17. Aurangzeb56
    but replacing minor things lke changing ur party with UCM then tha code will still work lke truth or dont knw 1 of tha coders said....
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  18. Aurangzeb56
    hmm mst have sum prob

    did u checked bth tha codes??
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Aurangzeb56
    yea jus dont overdo it :)
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  20. Aurangzeb56
    well v cant use tha RC on ourslf
    Post by: Aurangzeb56, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: New Releases