no prob.... yea hes talkin about model modifier
yea Spoiler shes our second last boss
no i dont think neo-moveset will work but give it a try
well Anti in drive menu isnt tht good trust me i completed Kingdom hearts 2 tha 21st time tht way frm start i unlocked all tha characters and tha anti in drive menu well he cant collect orbs or anythin and he cant revert during battles so yea i would prefer replacin Final with anti's slot insce tht way anti could glide and if used tha second wepaon mod then he can DW 2 but fr tht u need to use tha moveset modifier on Sora nt Neo-moveset but moveset well if u wre using tha moveset modifier and not neo moveset then give Sora Finals moveset tht way all his Drives will also get finals moveset
hehe kk got it
does he mean Anti in drive menu or does he mean DW Anti??
haha lol yea well its a good form (btw r u sayin tht 2 me or super...??)
well u cant give Anti a moveset and ill b assuming tht u have been ysing tha Neo-moveset rght?? oh kk got it Razor
oh lol kk got it
yup :P and wht will happen by pressin L2??
haha XD... umm anti final form??
ohh well tha news ones cool 2 but never though cloud could make sigs XD
hmm btw ryota cant help but notice tht where did u got ur sig tha one bfr ths 1 since tht was kinda unique :)
yea i got it... but hacking tht place will b kinda difficult since there are too many people around there and objects 2..... hmm well in tht case tha guy who sad must have got it wrong XD
hmmm super i think this code will freeze since u cant weild two of tha same type of keyblade dont knw but jus a guess caus ei heard sum1 sayin tht......
u knw u should also write of which consloe is this game frm......
hmm whts tha name of tha plae in twilight town??