well no there r speed hacks fr th emulator which r already in it and PCSX2 requirements r only: Minimum * Windows XP/Vista or Linux 32bit/64bit * CPU that supports SSE2 (Pentium 4 and up, Athlon64 and up) * GPU that supports Pixel Shader 2.0 * 512MB RAM [edit] Recommended * Windows XP/Vista or Linux 32bit/64bit * CPU: Core 2 Duo 3.2GHz * GPU: GeForce 8600 GT or better * 1GB RAM (2GB if using Windows Vista) oh and sry i forgot but no Emu talk tht was the last frm my side
haha well u can unless ur computer cant operate PCSX2??
yup sad :P
well jus paid a visit to the new one but the Avatar problem still doesnt seem to b fixed....... :(
cant help but notice since u r playing in Emu u jus used the UCM to replace Sora with Sephiroth but since hes only replaced he cant attack since his animation r none pretty much like this code i experimented i tried to replace a model but i couldnt so i tried replacing the UCM and i got this but now i have an understanding of replacing Models as well as their animation here :
haha :P well dont think tht there is any code for Max HP for other bosses except Cloud
oh haha :P
oh cool well which KHC .net or the old one??
oh thts good
haha kk but rnt u gonna release this code??
hmmmm kk :)
well yea i have KH1 NTSC hmm really which code is tht??
well yea sure ill teach u but not nw later since ive got a fever rght nw :)
hmm kk cool then wht??
well this is possible on PS2 and Emu and i knw tht supersoravsdarkriku90 has already answered tht Q of urs but Romhacking is not tht east especially for PS2 games ^^" its really hard an tha best Rom Hacker ive seen so far is Carey since he took out Limits model frm Final Mix and inserted and customize it in the english version so its not easy trust me :)
haha thnx :)
haha well good luck
here EDIT:sry guys but jus noticed this vid is private ^^"
yup thts animoding and can u teach me how to animod if its not too much........??
egh ^^" guys lets not fight kk?? ^^"