How are they doing?
I beg your pardon?
Hello, how are you? I am a friend of Accio's, before he left.
What would you like to talk about?
What have you been doing?
I've just been polishing my Buster Sword, so everything is very boring.
I'm fine, just talking to Aerith, she just got back from her morning flower run.
I'm feeling the same way.
Hello, how are you?
So what are you doing now?
Hello Champion of the Duel Arena
Hey Aerith. How are you?
I have to go. Good-bye.
Is your hair REALLY that fluffy and poofy? Because if it is that second picture is of you.
I take it you like to use BBcodes in your replies?
5Ds is good, I watch it every Saturday, but none of them can ever beat the original Yu-Gi-Oh.
I can see you getting ready to reply and your DS is flashing and you are all like "ooooh shiny" and you start playing it.
And what were you playing? Just curious.
What I hated was the fact the stupid cutscenes kept embarresing me when I had friends over. (They didn't like KH already, so.) And I would be hammering on my controller until the thing ended.
Hello? Are you there?