Um... everyone who entered.
.....How long did that take you... o.O?
It wont let me join ;-;
1- Completely straight 2- Somewhat straight 3- Likes both, but moreso the opposite sex =D 4- Likes both equally 5- Likes both, but moreso the same sex 6- Somewhat gay 7- Completely gay
Hey I came >_> You left though <_<
The games no fun without hacking =/
What the hell? Don't bump old threads. To everyone: LOOK AT THE POST DATE PLZ.
My entry ^_^ EDIT: Times, up. Judging is now ^_^
I only celebrated my 1000th and my 200th lawl
Naw, I never had any intrest in that site.
Well, have fun. Bai.
That was pretty awesome.
No. If you read the template on the first page, I could.
The gloss/glare/whatever is too bright on the first avy. In the tag, the effects are okay, but erase the hard edges that are left by the brush with a soft brush. The text also does not fir very well, but the idea is good. And on the last one, the shadow could be either lighter or darker, bu not like that..... and the font is hard to read. Good job on them, though.
I like 1 2 3 and 6. I'd say 1 or 2 are my favorite.
Dude, it's an obvious answer. Don't ask stupid questions please.
I own way harder than that ;-;
Yeah, I did. I'll do it right now =) Anyways, stay on for a little while, and it will be done. EDIT: Done. ZOMG LIBRE U DININT REP MEH :O