It's james dean :/
No, it is not.
um.... hooray ^^;?
o_o You could have bumped teh other onez.
It's xD And you speeld friends wrong btw. But, good job :).
Okay, well, you need to take the links out lulz. Anywawyz, read the rules, and post more.
Yeah, I think the ones like kikame should be removed, but the ones who were there before the rules changed because of the rep cheating, should still be premium. But, I like the overall decision.
Oh, I forgot about the text >.< Okay, duplicate the text layer and gaussian blur it by either 1-5 Duplicate it until you get a nice light effect around it. I think that would look good on it. But, you really shouldn't have that much tet in a tag. Make it either 1 2 or even 3 words. Again,good job on this one.
The animation is good, but lowers the quality too much o_o Well, your effects are just brushes, and though it looks okay, I think you could do more with them. Now, the text... i don't like because they are random colors. If all of those colors were in the sig, it wouldn't be random IMO lol. Well, it looks nice all together, but it could use a little bit of work.
The lighting is good, but I think you should dupelicate it, move it above the original, Merge it down, and sharpen it up, and maybe add a little more pink around the white too. Flow is good, but lighten up the white lines to the right, cause it doesn't really look all that great with a lowerd opacity. Stock is render'd poorly, and the stock also seems low quality. But, aside from all of that, your design and idea is great, I like the effects you put in here. Great job ;).
Well, your idea is great, you have potential. But, you should look up some tutorials so you can add some effects, because right now, it is kind of boring. Keep it up :).
I should get dark orange IMO.
No, actually it wasn't.
He wasn't cnc ing.
That is rep abuse =/
Add lighting and use the dodge burn, and sharpen blur tools. Good job.
Dude, this is old news lol.
Cept it's holy so your juices fall out. omg lame jokez.
Well, have fun.