Meh, I only have one. *shrugs*
First of all, if you plan to expand the sig, lessen the width and increase the height. Since the focus is Kabuto, there should REALLY be only one image of him. The text is just too long for a normal sig and WAY too noticable. The effects are very monotonous and run through the entire sig.
That is one nice first. It's just so simple, which is awesome. Just a few more effects is needed. 7.99/10
Answer: o_____________0
Kira's Image Song - GSD
This is very disturbing.
I'm sorry, but that was just idiotic. That was TOTALLY unnecessary. This is a sig in the A&G. That makes perfect sense. Anyways, that looks NICE! The negative space really does well. Of course, I can never pull that one off. The effects are quite nice as well. 10/10 This is very inspirational.
I suppose you're bored right now.
The regular game on Proud Mode - 7, I'm pretty familiar with the game. Fun challenges - 10/10 - Things like defeating Sephiroth low leveled, no damage, etc.
Not perfect, but it was a good win.
I have Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on my Wii. It IS boring once you unlock characters. The games are also becoming very repetitive.
Kira's Image in you pants. o____0
Kung Pow: Enter The Fist - 7/10
This ISN'T a thread to post.
Like VideoGameNerd246 said, the squares TOTALLY ruin it. It's very dull and the buildings' colors is quite atrocious. There also doesn't seem to be much of a light source or a dark spot, which is quite a downside for me. Dude, send me what tut you followed through PM.
Dude...that's just not natural!
L has a theme? Rage Awakened - KH Complete OST
*doesn't know what cicadas are* :stupid:
Not funny at all. I just wasted 2 seconds of my life. >>