-massages thigh- trying to maul me, thats what.
.....Now she is mad........
-whispers-Check out Jaden's and Mandy's Convo. I think she is breaking up with him. Isn't that sad? -Sees reno and forgets about being quiet.- HEY...
What is up?
-finishes cleaning- done. i think i will kill some hellhounds.
Alright, Thank you.
Who created KH-Vids?
Good one Mr.I-Have-Orange-in-my-Hair :) ....It's shiny, too.
Which one should we start? RP thread? or RP family?
But you always reclaim your title?
Group, thread, is there a diffrence?
Yup. we need to start a RP thread for us. and get people to sign up as Reno T. and Rage T. and Rufus S.
Thank you. -puts away- You know what? we need to start a RP thread of this in the family sections.
Ichor, actually.
Have you ever been defeated?
I think I will polish my sword some more.
I knew you because i knew Accio75 in real life. We were best friends.
I'll will take a Amborella.
Hello, how are you?
No, I don't. That was the reason why I asked you.