Heh, more and more i've seen, this place is more of a graveyard.
I'm Fine, thanks.
Hey, what's up?
heeeelllo? you there?
So you just dueling, or...?
For all who would like to Role-play FFVII Rules: No Godmodding Only 1 character, no taking more than one. Be active on this group Cloud-Me Tifa-Tifa L. Aerith-Aerith G. Reno T.= Rage T.= Rufus S.:= Barret: Yuffie: Vincent V. Cid: More may be added.
Yeah....That could be counted as wierd. Misty, I bet my dad is worse than yours.
She seems the personallity to be very very ....imtimadating when she is mad.
No, but girls are ferocious, THAT I have seen.
I am doing fine, thank you.
Lucky as you are, Duel Master, I would avoid making her mad.
It was quite ah... hard to miss. Yes I looked at your conversation. I'm sorry. Yes, it is manyXriku4ever i believe? or close to that.... I don't...
Good. I very much like sparkly-eyed Jaden then *is about to cry* Jaden.
Hello. Did things work out alright?
Hello, Aerith.
I'm good, thank you for asking.
I'm fine, i used Cure Materia.
It's fine man....... whatever.
I CAN'T!!! IT KEEPS MOVING! *stabs foot* AOOOOOHHH! * does omni slash and kills it*