First off, you can't try to stop being depressed. It's a condition, therefore you can't just make it 'go away'. Second, you don't sound very depressive. You sound whiny, stating the cliche 'why won't it just stop' phrase. You have the right to call me a betch or whatever since people on these forums tend to take everything way too personally. Yeah, I'll just say it ahead of time. Why are so many people hosting pity-parties lately? :\
*is still questioning how liquid can be sponge-like* BTW Lithium [there have been a lot of people getting alias changes as of late >.>] love Thirteen. avvie= <3 ~
That's not what I implied. I was speaking of people who act as if it's the greatest food on earth. Whenever I go to a Japanese dining restaurant I don't waste my time there on ramen. I usually get something that serves as more of a delicacy. I can eat ramen might not be of quality but it's not like I can open up a can of unagi donburi. And if I could it would probably be the nast. DX
No. It's the Japanese pronunciation of the English word 'killer'. LAWL JAPANESE PEOPLE CAN'T MAKE 'L' SOUNDS? ...Don't you watch the show?
It's good if you're saving up for a ps3, but it becomes quite sickening after a few days of eating it. Narutard style otaku only act like their possess the ability to eat it for every meal. They're weeaboos. Ramen is really not that appetizing. D: Exquisite chapter. I'm impatient for the next one~
It's really not, considering how rabid of a fangirl I am. Be glad I'm not using fangirl speak. You'd likely gauge your eyes out. ;o
Hey, I'd gladly be L's b1tch~ >.>
I believe I once saw a documentary film on this, and those superstitions were mentioned in said movie. In Japanese culture the character is thought to be either an old woman, who proceeds to choke you in the night, or a young girl. Young girl being often associated with Yamamura Sadako and other generic portrayals of onryo yurei.
Watari is L's b1tch. Wow, I guess Near is a pretty dynamic character since pretty much everyone got him X3
*stares blankly*
Coming from a girl, I'd like to point out that my friend Paige and I have agreed, that despite his claims, is very 'unhot'. :\ MIMS = WORSE THING SINCE THE MIKE JONES PERIOD WHERE WHENEVER SOME IDIOT SAID "WHO?!" ANOTHER IDIOT WOULD RESPOND "MIKE JOOONES!1"
I love how they gave you their e-mail. Like you might really want to converse with them X3 And I love polka dots. D: Also: PRO SPELLING IS PRO
In any online forum 'topics' are more commonly referred to as threads. :\
That looks absolutely nothing like a katana, let alone a sword. X3 I'll sketch one out and post it later.
Everything scares him. Except stalker smiley. Ironically ... Lucky Kairi got L! :O I'm going to try to get Misa XD MEESUH MEESUH
Okay, I'm sorry, but honestly why would you take something so personally? :\ That more or less just sounds like overreacting to me....
Both 'pawned' and 'powned' are considered to be correct pronunciation.
Well, since it would be over the internet I can't say I would 'feel' much, though I suppose it would be rather annoying.
You'd never guess
Yay...? <:3