*da ba dee* Wow, how many years ago has it been since that song came out?
Jesus Christ you guys, stop distracting her! *stares* *waits impatiently* *fidgets*
Oh Roxas, you never fail to amuse me.
Pedobear only likes loli, duh. Now, Shotacat is a different story...
I can't believe I'm posting in this thread.
Alphabet tiEm. There are various ways to write letters in Ultra leet, but I just use the simple one: A: 4 B: |3 C: ( D : |) E: 3 F: |= G: 6 H: |-| I: 1 J: _) K: |< L: |_ or 1, in goes in dependence M: |\/| N: |\| O: 0 P: 9 or |0 [0 is interchangeable with a degree sign] Q: 0| R: |2 S: 5 T: 7 U: |_| V: \/ W: \/\/ X: >< or )( Y: `/ Z: 2
See if you can figure it out. *_)4\/\/ |)|2095* ...........|-||_||-|??? O.O;
7|-|3|\| \/\/|-|`/ |)1|) `/0|_| \/\/4|\|7 70 7`/93 1|\| 17 34|2|_13|2?
|_|17|24 1337 15 |<1|\||) 0|= 4|\||\|0`/1|\|16... That doesn't do much good if you don't know Japanese. :\
Nanaki and burnitup aren't in relative distance of each other though. :\ When I say 'internet relationship', I essentially refer to one that is strictly over the internet. Nanaki, I'm sorry but the *gets kicked by L* thing is seriously going past overkill.
It's spelled with an 'A' people~ X3
You have no idea how hard I laughed after I saw how you spelled miracles. XDDD No offense. It's just really funny. Reminds me of reading Flowers for Algernon. /spelling nazi On a random note, this is escalating into quite a popular thread.
:\ Well, that helped the cause. We aren't ruining it. We're giving realistic advice. Which is more useful than the "I'm sorry I hope you feel better ;_;" shiz. :\ :\:\:\:\ ...:/
Exactly how is making an insulting comment regarding yourself positive? :\ I think I like the ':\' emot way too much XD
As Lithium said, stop being so negative. I NEVER said you were a pitiful character for it. I said it isn't a smart idea to take an internet relationship seriously. You really don't need to botch up how you comprehend my posts to emphasize the situation.
Intarweb relationship? Jesus Christ, I apologize, but horrible idea....
I like how 'therapy' is spelled incorrectly. :3
Evidentally, I fail at reading. XD
XD I didn't tell you to go into denial. If you have problems attempt to deal with them. God knows how much sh1t I've had to deal with between Protective Services and my mother lately. I could just ignore it, but that quite possible means the situation would escalate and I would go into foster care. Do you think I want that to any degree? Letting the situation marinate doesn't benefit yourself, or anyone else. You're not afflicted with much anyway...I'm assuming you have a computer since you're online right now [lawl]. And I'm assuming some of your friends have AIM or something. If anything, you'll see them Tuesday. Well, personally I don't like being put on a pedestal, so it's probably for the same general reasons.
...wait what? Common logic would tell me you wouldn't want to hear it if it was associated with your friends. X3