I've been to Six Flags a few times and I see nothing special about it. It's nothing better than carnival rides. That's ******ed how something that's supposed to be fun is so dangerous.
I dunno, but I'm a HUGE MegaMan fan...particularly the Battle Network Series...gawd I remind myself of Darky.
OMFG! MegaMan person! @___________________@ Welcome to KHV. You know the drill.
This is a bunch of :censor2:. I'm sorry but two anime shows can not be corrupting the minds of children. Even if it happens to be those two. That's just pathetic. Whoever this person is does NOT have the right to say this. I mean, America has a LOT more other television material that's MUCH more corrupting than anime. And I think most people know what it is...
It was okay until the Cell Saga. Once Goten and little Trunks came in, it started getting SO repetitive.
SOMEBODY forgot the rule already.
Lol, that was truly epic. Congrats on the victory.
Ironically, Kadaj was first. >.<
If Zexion's book really IS a dictionary, I wouldn't mind reading it. xD
Uh...welcome to KHV? >.< Crap, I'm not very fluent in Spanish.
I feel like that...and I'm only 14. :yelling:
The calm before the storm - FOB
CnC? I can probably anticipate CnC about the left side. *shrugs*
I've gone for 3 months without electricity. It's painful the first few days, but you'll adjust. Just bring something to do. I'm sure you'll be fine. See you in a week, I suppose.
I'm starting to get really sick of these "I don't feel appreciated..." and "Nobody likes me..." threads. I don't feel appreciated here, and you don't see me complaining. Not everyone has to like you but some people here do like your company. And if you're just gonna leave them, then goodbye.
Those are hilarious. I liked the sugar overdose. xD "What's a Kira?" xD
"I am JUSTICE...in your pants." -L and Light, Death Note
Walking 8 miles normally is fun. Marching 8 miles with an instrument in hand for like 8 hours and walking extremely slowly, is NOT fun.
How anit-climactic...
You JUST finished exams? Damn! I've been out of school for a month!