Because Roxas is mixed; half dark, half light. The Oathkeeper and Oblivion both resemble dark and light, so therefore he would be the best holder.
Yeah. But sometimes they make you wait an extra week or so, since they think that Pokemon is more important. (Or so I've heard.)
I don't play FF since I think it's crap, but I'd have to say Reno.
Same here. I still can't understand them though. For God's sake, Harry Potter is about good triumphing over evil. That topic takes up more than a good half of the books. But, they can somehow figure out how it's 'magic magic magic' instead. Basically, none of it really makes sense.
^ Sounds sucky.
It's about freakin' time! *extra cookies for RSKO*
Lol, last night was hilarous. Hello. :luv:
It's amazing how churches don't focus on those points you mentioned...bravery, friendship, ect. T_T
I'm on page...566 and I wanted to get this book done Saturday. >.> Hmph. I don't speed-read, I SAVOR the words.
Of course. I just think that if the wife told the ferryman of what was going on, he could possibly give her a free ride and get a poliece officer or something... But I believe most of the fault goes to the wife and the lover.
There's also another little band camp embarassment... Everyone was getting ready to leave, and I just happened to think that my friend's dog was his brother. XD "Look! Awww, is that your dog?!?!" "...No, that's my brother." O_O
Mine's July 4th. My birthday's actually in March, but I decided to post here anyway. ^^
Well was also 3 in the morning, and I was bored.
I think it's mostly the wife's fault, for going over to her lover's and spending the night, when she's already "happily" married. Part of the fault should go to the lover, since anybody in their right mind would give someone some money if there was a murder across the bridge, and the ferry guy was being a sore asz and demanded money.
KH, CoM, KH2
1. Xemnas 2. Roxas 3. Axel
XD Kinda weird. I think I'm gettin Carpel Tunnel, or whatever it's called.
They both brought sexy back. :O ....*drools*
Lol. .....>D
Lol, bring it batch. >D