Damn, AGAIN?! What did he do now?!??! Was it for that VT post?
Oh wow, this store is in PA? As if we're a crappier state already...>.> These reviews seem quite convincing. I says it's animal abuse to the max. On PUPPIES, even. That's quite cruel...
Mish can fix that. And thank you Cin, that's brilliant.
Cin, I fail at life. Every time somebody looks at me, they do this. > What should I do?
What a terrible crime! It breaks my heart just reading about it. !!!!11!!11one!1!11!!1
Alrighty then, I shall find someone else who is quite the opposite of a SHMUT. Who do you reccomend?
Cin, I feel cheated. D:
But Cin...my life revolved around Mish. Apparently she thinks otherwise. D: How can I move on after expierencing something as tragic as this?
Cin, Mish dumped meh. For Roxas. I've never felt so...rejected. ;.;
I should start cuttin' after this. >.> I felt MY SELF-ESTEEM GO DOWN BY THE BUTTTONS! T.T
Reps. ^^ *rotfls*
Lol, fagtard. That's new. =o DAMMIT RIS, GTFO! :yelling:
Ohaaah! My favorite! :D
Snap...may I see a link, if you please?
So, you're saying there's a pet store out there that doesn't take care of the animals with medications and such AT ALL, and by the time the pet gets a new home, the animal dies a few days later? If that's the case, I think that's pretty damn awful...Animal abuse, in my eyes.
:.--=Back in the Loop=--.: +E-Type+ Time has come to get the troops back together No one's cruising for a bruising It's a landslide, can't die Time to get what's coming to me Time to let things go There is no way to stop the yellow danger Time has come for you Cause I'm back.... Back! Cause I'm back.....Back! I'm back......Back! Cause I'm back......Back! Snap out of it now We're back in the loop and it's time to move on We're aiming for all or nothing now We're back in the loop and it's time to go on For us it is all or nothing now Who are you? Friend or foe? Now leave your sorrows all behind This ain't enugh, hanging tough Now you must make up your mind We can't stay down, we have to leave There is no place for us to hide, so this is it You've been warned now either join or step aside Cause I'm back Back! Cause I'm back.....Back! Snap out of it now We're back in the loop and it's time to move on We're aiming for all or nothing now We're back in the loop and it's time to go on For us it is all or nothing now Back with a vengeance
What I can't believe about things like these is that people actually have the GUTS to go out and commit sh!t like this. I don't know if that aszhole of a shooter knew he had problems, but the least he could do was go and tell somebody about it, instead of being a prick and taking it out on any innocent student he could find. Good thing he's dead, or I'd send hate mail to him until he drowned in it.
Oh, so he's back again eh? >.> I'll be sure to send him some fanmail. I do believe that this is work of terrorists too. Of course, that's just me being insane. Zipp-a-de-FREAKIN'-doo-dah.
Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forums! Post lots, don't spam, and nave a cookie! ^^