Wanna make out?
The head and shoulders(lol dandruff) need some work. Come on, Misty..... >_>
Give me credit plz
Alright, that's good. It'll be done in awhile.
Woah woah woah. You can't give me that many pics, I will use one.
Yes, that's what I mean.
Specifications. stop bumping old threads.
Dude, this guy is gone. Do not bump old threads please. Go to a more recent shop =/
uh yah Very simple tag. I didn't manipulate the background like I normally do, and I kinda like the bg' s un touched in stock tags.
I am black. Word.
Um.... why do you care so much? It's kinda creepy.
All of the spaces were kinda un needed =/
I never said you did.
I get it :D
I don't know who the first was, but it wasn't you. LAWKMQW no wai
If you provide some specs, shure.
Kay, now all we need is Xigbar's vote =|
Because it's not allowed..... lol I say Xigbar
I do that too lol.