The text could use the most work, mostly appearance. Don't really know why you smudged around his neck. Lessen the smudging around that area. 5/10
I've only seen one episode and I remember this one part with this unicorn... You know what, I'm not even going to continue.
Ouch, that's very discouraging. xD
I know when I'm obssessed with Death Note when I develop many of L's habits. >_> *puts thumb near mouth*
I'm not that great at it, but it's so fun. I used to play on TetriNet.
Prescience - ???
Does anyone know the first song in this vid?
I prefer Roxas because he has the strength to wield two keyblades at will. He's also a more darker half. He defeated Riku once, and Sora hasn't TRULY done that one yet.
Yes, that is the right choice. xD I just don't find Soul Reaping and Hollows interesting.
17168 kids that I have... Damn that's a lot of child support.
Um...what is it? I can't tell what the render/stock is. It's completely random to me. The text needs some serious work. 4/10 Sorry, pal.
I wouldn't take depression medication. If you're hallucinating, try and drink some cold water, and maybe get some sleep.
Well, technically, the first commercial of KH was on Disney Channel where they were in that weird lab place or whatever. Some kind of queer idea to introduce new things.
Violent (Won't place it here) - System of a Down
I'd have a silver broadsword with a chain at the handle, similar to a keyblade. It would slightly be tilted at the end so it sort of resembles the shape of the Way to the Dawn. On the blade, it would have, engraved, in Kanji, "Thunder".
Fields of Hope - Rie Tanaka
Dude, it could have been safer to place this in Spam.
Gotta Get Through This - Daniel Bedingfield *punches self*
Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield >_>
It seems as though the KH2FM+ version has the characters as more defined and liney.