Dirt is hawt. This thread is hawt ;o
Oh shi- No one post!
Fixed. I suck at making pancakes though. They don't end up fluffy and perfect like the ones at the restaurants. D:
You know, the more you mention it, the more people post it. :| You obviously do so to get people to make a big deal about, hence keeping this ******ed thread from dying.
Cheesecake is quite good.
...Do you even know where she originates from?
Old 2chan flash is old. I wish there was a sage option for these forums. Still lawlz though for Giko dumping her.
ICHIGO MASHIMARO HI-JACK THIS IS NOW A MOE LOLI THREAD POST ALL YOUR WORKSAFE LOLI PICS Ichigo Mashimaro was obviously made for pedo audiences. I mean, seriously, why would they make moe girls doing cute things for no reason? :/
And you're not Japanese. Or so I assume, cause you seem pretty weeaboo to me. :|
Nagato Yuki? I got her from a rapidshare download on 4chan, but I don't have the RAR archive for MUGEN on my computer anymore so I can't upload. Your best bet would be to /r/ it on 4chan or Google it.
Just stop trying.
Used to play M.U.G.E.N. No one I know really does anymore though. Nagato was awesome. She was a hard character, but if you knew her she was imppossible to beat.
Your computer can't display Japunicode *snerk* Dude, get a language pack.
But it are Caturday! also: 28M GET was EPIIIIIC FAIL.
Dude, I was just about to post that. X3
sldkfjhsl3aks;afoj Nice. X3 Sasuke: Good. Fate: I liked the other avatar better. <:3 That one is kind of poorly done....
Apple's iPod has been the mp3 player icon forever. Although I've never really thought iPods were all that great, I myself have one. Mine is old though. I've got the 4th gen 60 GB. If I were to get an mp3 player now, I'd get a different brand. Just because I hate how the screen looks on them. DX UGLY BIG SCREEN OF UGLINESS.
But the kitty is delicious. ;_;
*swats* NO YOU DON'T *nibbles Fate* lawl, I totally forgot about all those pics I had of me doing this.