*walks around and sees marluxia trying to eat demyx*hey leave some for me
can i be larxene?
i take larxene
i'm booored
(OOC:ok thanks i have completed the game a thousand time the only thing i haven't done is defeat sephiroph) bic:maybe he was on crack maybe he was just born a bonehead did you know what he is and was well now he is a high form of ugly when he was born he was just another form of ugly veeeeeeeerrrrrrrry ugly
larxy285:yup roxas thinks a computer was diz or ansem or whatever(OOC:in kh2 does anyone know how to defeat sephiroph i'm soooooooo stuck)
ok xigbar you can rip us to shreds with your amazing power that can only just kill a fly you really should be more carefull now how to get away i know*pulls away from marluxia runs to saix and takes everything she could grab one thing was his keys the other was alot of paper*hey paper with writing on what would happen if i burned them(OOC:is this classed as suicide)
larxy285:xemnas is dumb he really thought he could take kingdom hearts while the keyblade master stood right in front of him xigbar is second only to xemnas in smarts he could shoot a brick wall and think he had destroyed sora
(everyone) larxy285:no demyx has a brain saix well he has twice demyx brains i have twice that your probably the smatest i mean you would almost have conqured the organization if axel hadn't have betrayed you
(every one) larxy285:so who in the organization has a brain apart from me and marluxia?
well you are the one who couldn't hit any targets you aim for hey your somebody has the heart and the brains you might as well be a brick wall
yes you can start if you want
ok mar;=ly i have a plan it is just a little trick i know*uses thundaga on saix and xigbar 5 times*ok so you two why aren't you unconcious yet?
*stops banging head*marluxia i think i need to talk to you in private i have a brilliant idea
i know i'm not helping but i have a worst problem its past snack time snacks have feelings to ya knowon the outside they are hard and cruchy but on the inside there soft and chewy oh great snack WHY*bangs her head on oppisite wall screaming over and over muttering to herself"snacks the icecream melts everything else goes out of date"*
*spots a banatree growing out of the ceiling and grabs a bunch of banas*and for my next trick*throws the bana sking on the floor*and for my next trick grabs some petrol and a math and throws them together on the floor*ok now he won't catch us
wow thanks*opens can and starts eating until there is a pawfull left which she throws at saix hitting him in the eyes*that should slow him down
in this rp the kh characters are going to a boarding school for those who don't know what that is it is pretty much a school you live in rules: 1.have fun 2.axel can burn things just not the actuall building or rooms 3.demyx can flood stuff 4.no killing eachother without permission characters: larxene:naminestwinsister xigbar: xaldin: xemnas: marluxia: axel:Twilight_Chaos luxord: zexion: lexaeus: roxas: saix:Marluxia_loves_flowers demyx:*dancewaterdance* vexen: sora: kairi:Kairi245 riku: namine:namine_of_kh2 aerith:true darkness yuffie:RikuisthehottestdudeinKH2 and anyone else you want teachers need to fill this form in: name: appearence(pictures are welcome): lesson:(the lesson he/she teaches) description: classroom rules: personality: if there are any problems pm me oh and the cafeteria food is gross(its the same at any school) teachers: *dancewaterdance* Name: Megan (this profile is completely made up by the way) Appearance: Dark hair, blue eyes, strong build. Lesson: Science Classroom Rules: 1. Swearing is allowed to an extent. 2. No arguing with the teacher except in an emergency or when the teacher is asking for it 3. You are allowed to argue with your classmates, as long as there is no physical attacking, and stop when the teacher tells you. It is not recommeded to go around picking fights, but you can do whatever you like Personality: Um.....a little random. She is strict but kind, and sometimes (being a mad scientist) she can get pretty crazy in class.
thanks but now we need two more people why then we have a three course meal then desert for saix*pats stomach*i never did get my tuna
marluxia you idiot we are no where near out yes we can only see like 20 more rooms but think we have got like 13 more floors all with different obstacles one of them is a really powerfull enemy who has all our powers and weapons so all of us are the same strength as him