I think I've heard of that software. Very epic, from what I've heard/seen.
When all hope is lost, our work is complete.
In your ear!
Anyone remember TR's second motto, following?
Make it double!
No, it's a type of paper. Is the sky green?
When a mommy baby and a daddy baby meet, and they really, really, really like each other...
Can't be worse than mine. O_o;
Charizard, Tyranitar, and Luxray.
Uhh...no. Not even close.
The version I got is at Wal-Mart (Adobe Photoshop Elements), though it's not near as good as CS4. I no how to maked vids.
I know what you mean; I have photoshop, but I don't know how to use it very well.
Again, coolness. XD
Cool. What was it originally?
Nice avy. What's the reference?
Ah, I see. Here's another one: If an old metabolic process evolves into a new one, the organism might die while this is going on. How does gene duplication allow evolution to avoid this problem?
Bounce off like rubber, right?
The most abundant fuel we've got is hydrogen, but in terms of energy...out of the four, I guess the sun, idk...
This question was on the final, you cheated. Give me your test.
You cheated. Give me your test.