Some people do some don't. But I have always liked that spelling of Shannyn better for some strange reason.
I don't know, but I want to name my first daughter Shannyn.
Yes, I wish he was my father....but for all I know....he could be xD
Hugh Jackman=Wolverine
I wish my father was Hugh Jackman Mick St. John approved.
Medical genius with just the right amount of cynclism xD, I LOVE IT.
Not trying to make this an argument but, I did spend a lot of time studying medical medicine and it is German back then/now still today make huge leaps in the field of medicine. That is why if I ever get critical sick I know I would want to be treated in Germany.
Actually it was Germany that made improtant advances in medical research. *not trying to start a political debate*
I see my poltical joke just went right over everyone's head.
Yeah, but I do like their bread and ice cream.
They don't brush their teeth.
But just think of all the...umm......ummm....I got nothing.
I always wanted to be seconded in ruling a country.
Hey Kikame. @burnitup:Yeah the 40 gig PS3 is only $399
Yeah, the cheapest one out now is 399.
None taken, but if you do have a PS3 I highly recommend this game.
Yeah, the game is fantastic. The ending could have been executed better, but I'll can't wait for the sequal.
Hey, I already beat Assassin's Creed. Down with the Templars!
No, that sounds like a normal Wednesday xD. But other weird things have been happening.
It is going pretty good, well except for a couple of weird things, but good none the less.