A song to be exact.
My Heart Draws A Dream.
I'm here and I still wish I was born in the 50's.
I wish I was born in the 50's.
Or Stupified, perphaps?
Homework is for people who want to achieve things in life....like Stephen Colbert.
I'm always tired.
That Somebody is ME.
The party seems to have ended early.
I think like this, but I'm not sure.
Yeah, I would love to direct a movie than anything else.
That is a good question.......and my screenplays aren't nearly done. *not jokeing about writing my own screenplays*
Yeah, we should make a movie.
I want to be in a movie....or...just have exprienced the 3rd crusade for myself. She has MAGICAL powers *insert ebil laugh*
Yeah, I like a lot of things....but only one person has my heart.
*hugglez* Yes, now I can finally buy my new pair of pants 8D
Does no one care I'm a mut ;___;
I'm a mut and not the dog type. But the ethincal type :D
The true question is when am I NOT random? Oh Ted Copperfield is a strange man.
I like my new phone and jacket 8D.