You might want to add Dante from Devil May Cry series.
Well you look a dead soliders family in the eye and tell them that.....sorry but war is ugly and as long as human are on this planet, it will never end.
Yeah, but my vote is going for Snake all the way.
I think that both parties Democrate and Republicans right now in the current state are both more F-ed up than a paulzie victim preforming brain surgery with a pipe wrench.
If you were to leave it to a current someone I believe that he would do just that..... the world isn't black and white.
But kill all the bunnies and the wolves die. It is a vicious cycle....unfortunately.
............ Well that explains a lot.
Just wondering do you oppose or for the war in Iraq?
Mhmmm I see I see.
So that would make you a Republican?
I see burnitup has a deep hatred for democrats.
Or you could just listen to the Mick Jagger......that man is pretty much a zombie on stage anyway. Him and his corpse of a band..... I love you Mick Jagger =D ;D
To where???
But it is SOOO COOOL that you should be able to see in telephathicly
Does no one else like my hair ;____;
I like my hair.....I wish I could marry certain moments in my life and have a family of small moments.
Then vent if you must.
I'm....ummm...what is a good adjective for me??????
Mick St. John Approves this *Mick St. John=Me* So I approve it.
Ummm cause of the awsome style of clothing....and plus I'm stuck in sort of a 50's know be almost 9 centuries you tend to like a certain decade... *ends crazy rant*