-Aerith- That was Aerith to Cloud!! Anywho, mine was Darren Shan. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I'M A CAR!!!! (Gasoline makes me run!!)"
Oh... Hah! That's Harry! I think... It's okay, HisNobody! No one knows mine either.
I don't know yours, khchick. That's got me stumped!
-Aerith- Hermione when she's just about to punch Malfoy in the Prisoner of Askaban. I've got one!! But you might not know it. "Damn humans, damn vampires, we should all just be turtles or something!!"
Yay!! *eats cookies* ^_^ RENO!!! When he and Rude were fighting Loz and Yazoo. -HisNobody- Of course you aren't!!
-HisNobody- No worries, I'm not either! ^^
OHH! I know that one! It was Mike from Monsters Inc.!!!
Ohhh... Yeah, Dory!! I had one when I posted it. um.... It wasn't on that mirror, was it?
-khchick- It sounds very familiar. That's what I'm gonna go with.
-AnimeGirl- RIKU!! Moosekrateh!!! *grabs Macie and hides in closet* I just saved you! *muffled* Yeah, thanks! You made me bump my head! >o<'' O.o Sorry.
OHHH!! That's why that sounded so familiar to me!
-HisNobody- I only got a couple, though. Ooh, are we doing quotes? Really?
*waves* Hi, guys! I just got back from teh mall. Manga shopping!! ^^
Ehhh.. Mmkay. Zexy can keep his book. But I will get his hair, one day. (Jade said I could!! Remember that, Zexy?)
NUUUUU!! Tell meh!! Pwetty pwease?
Nope, I give up. Him? I'ma girlay!
..I dunno. Zexy's hair?
...Dun kill meh!
Umm... Zexy? Hi, Sora!
..Zexion? >o<