u new......??
hmmmmmmm u new??
sup slip :)
no he did on his vid though the vid has been deleted :P
well his old account got hacked so he had to delete his account including all the vids he made....... :(
but i remem tht Cloud already hacked a code for dark Riku...............
hey cool code not bad :D thnx Janime and Supersoravsdarkriku90
well since u mod the Bosses HP u have to know wht its total HP ^^"
well u still want the Dump?? u can search the tutorial on this site and also at KH Coding here : http://kh2codes.proboards.com/index.cgi? well in dumps all the data of the current arear u r in and whts goin on in tht area and ur party members etc. r in the dump tht help u modify those things :) hmmm wel guess on Bone Modding none since coding is hard and u cant master it one day an also since all the coders r busy 2 thy probably wont have time to teach any1 anything ^^"
well Sora-final-riku answred the rest of ur Q but jus a lil edit tht DMA stands for Dynamic Memory Allocation meaning the code changes when goin to the other room making it only possible for one room meaning tht specific room tha code was hacked in oh and yea only Coders know bone modding
haha jus right click ur My Computer icon and open properties frm it :P
oh sry about tht styx i didnt knew tht............
no sry...............
npe v r alone with no1 jus sora..........
oh sry no i dont have tht but i do have MSN :) an yea it worked it took me to sum bizaar place.......
kk peace.............
np and whts icq........??
oh haha kk.......... :P
lmao well then the only thing v can do is wait for him to wake up :P