well yea u can
so which dump do you want??
Codebreaker: DW Roxas Ally(Donald) E00AFDFF 0034D45C 51c9f630 00000020 01c957f0 00000000 51c9f650 00000020 01c95810 00000000 2036d8c8 61786f72 0036d8cc 00000073 1032F01C 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits) 01C95836 0000000A 01C957EF 00000001 11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as above) DW Roxas Ally(Goofy) E00AFDFF 0034D45C 51c9f630 00000020 01c95850 00000000 51c9f650 00000020 01c95870 00000000 2036d8d0 61786f72 2036d8d4 00000073 1032F01C 0000???? <-- UWM/Weapon mod(use "Dummy" UWM digits) 01C95896 0000000A 01C9584F 00000001 11CD4390 0000???? <-- Kingdom Key Mod(use same "Dummy" UWM digit as before) AR Max: NOTE:I"'M NOT SURE IF THIS WILL WORK OR NOT SINCE I HAVE CHANGED 5 INTO 2 FOR IT TO GET CONVERTED SO YEA: DW Roxas Ally(Donald) with ultima wepaon and Acrossing Two AN9X-ZYTG-8Z58D CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ CWY5-3PXP-F6HD9 6B92-9YY2-KNN4U 5RK7-P3NY-6FQ7K 63FD-KUFQ-PUNGB KVU7-KPMK-4PVUN 93CM-98YX-3PA5C YCVX-3CJK-U9KAE MPP5-Q3TY-K12MX A31Q-RF75-2N8RW H7GX-HQYB-4FUF7 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 DW Roxas Ally(Goofy) with ultima wepaon and Acrossing Two G3ZX-NH8D-DC7H8 CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ CWY5-3PXP-F6HD9 HZP9-2DFF-1MN6M 5RK7-P3NY-6FQ7K B65N-NR9T-GF86F G5T9-YEHP-J9TRN KGMQ-PXQP-4EZ0N YCVX-3CJK-U9KAE DTD3-TTZA-3VVC3 J2J9-15H7-Q4R59 H7GX-HQYB-4FUF7 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7
well i do remember it needed something for it to run properly it but cant remember it sorry oh and it need atleast .net framework v2.0 to work and do enable the decryption engine it asks you to install or not cause with that u can edit the cheats hope i help :)
hey whtup long time huh XD
yeah sure ill make u a dump :)
yea sure :)
lol kk wht is it :)
really cool XD
Saix: Sora knows the truth now: the more Heartless he defeats, the more he plays into our hands. And yet... I never thought he would make it this...
kk here: Sax: Sora knows the truth now: the more Heartless he defeats, the more he plays into our hands. And yet... I never thought he would...
really cool finally some Aqua gameplay after all these months (years) :P
hmmmm kk ill c wht i can do or i can jus give u the lines will tht work.........??
yup i agree with u this thread has becomed boring since all the coders stop working on this game :P hm don thitnk so and even if u can drive into Riku ull b T-stanced and to get out of it u either have to b hit or jus drive while in the air gliding.......
cool :D i wish tht it come to US soon :)
yup thought so thts not boss relocation thts sum otr thing he did probably rep[lace donald with leon and and replaced nothing in Goffies slot....
a code hasnt been made for Boss relocation but if u mean Boss replacing thn thts different.........??
yup ...........
np :) ..............