Ca en fait des annifs cette semaine dis-donc. ^^'' Joyeux anniversaire mec !
The materias are pretty close though, we can combine them even more freely than jobs (which is why VII is my favorite). The job system in FF Tactis (not Advance) is also neat. As for Luxord I don' t know man, it depends what kind of story or mood you like, whether you care about freedom of customisation and exploration or not, whether you can bear 8/16/32 bits graphics or not. etc ...
And people wonder why FF just slaps Glee singers or Leona Lewis over its NA endings nowadays. >_> Personally I' d go with orchestral music. Or better yet, the actual musics, but I' m not sure I get what you need them for. Spoiler [video=youtube;pnsDX4fTaEI][/video] Spoiler [video=youtube;6UoqoRDDo6A][/video] Spoiler [video=youtube;Rx66b_ghhMA][/video] Spoiler [video=youtube;hKEbxbUVS9E][/video] Spoiler [video=youtube;UWF0pFVJL9k][/video]
Just once, in SaGa Frontier 2. I even had to start a whole new game from scratch : once you enter the last dungeon you can' t exit it, if you pull the wrong levels in that dungeon the last boss gets even harder than it already is, the gameplay makes grinding a *****, and you come across good shops only once in the whole game (that is if you know how to make them appear in the first place).
Too bad, I' m not sold on the Wii-U in the slightest, but a 2D Metroid would convert me in a matter of seconds. Well, unless it pulls the same crap as Metroid Fusion (a script-fest and clear-cut numbered zones, both designed to tie the payers' hands completely). Other M felt like a good return to the core gameplay but was guilty of the same drawbacks as Fusion, albeit to a lower extent. Look Nintendo, just crash us on a creepy planet, don' t ever make Samus talk or meet someone who does, and leave lots of tricky alternate routes, that will do thanks. I was never much of a Starfox fan either. I liked the first one, but not enough to want to play its sequels. If this cross-over is true it' s kinda ballsy though, I' ll give' em that.
I saw a bunch of pics like that one used as avy on ... that site that I' m not allowed to name here. That one for instance. (How the hell did you load such a heavy pic here btw ? I had to link mine up.) Know Your Meme says there was 200+ iterations of that meme (beware, that page is a ***** to load) :
Wait, that ... thing actually passed ? I guess the presumption of innocence is an alien concept in the United States. Your country is scaring me. ;~;
Yup, that' s him, and thanks ! You probably meant this as a joke, but that' s actually a pretty accurate way to sum me up. ^^ For instance I don' t look like my age, I posted a pic of me here once and it didn' t creep anybody out.
HEY ! I heard that ! I' m only a third of a century old ! xD
¡ Feliz cumpleaños caballero ! Mine was three days ago, but I don' t especially enjoy being reminded I' ve got one year less to live, lol. ^^''
Mysterious Figure with Terra, my most epic boss victory in recent memory. Beating The Egg (SaGa Frontier 2) was also very satisfying.
All 3 lists : 35 total. I' ve seen/read a lot more though ... Spoiler
I' ve seen 13 of them (rated G for good, A for awesome). Spoiler A - Akira A - Ghost in the Shell G - The Girl Who Leapt Through Time A - Grave of the Fireflies G - Howl' s Moving Castle G - Jin Roh G - Maison Ikkoku A - Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind A - Neon Genesis Evangelion A - Perfect Blue A - Princess Mononoke A - Spirited Away G - Steamboy G - Hellsing Ultimate The ones I heard of or saw a little on TV and know I should watch someday : Spoiler - Cowboy Bebop - Serial Experiments Lain - Summer Wars - Baccano - Anything by Satoshi Kon Can someone tell me if Wings of the Honneamise is indeed better than Vision of Escaflowne or Nadia the Secret of Blue Water ? Those two were pretty good, is it the same kind of story ?
Juste par curiosité. Je kiffe ce type : il a mon âge, il a l' accent de la région de mon enfance (il utilise parfois des mots typiquement...
He never scared me. Actually, his avy reminded me of a friend on a French forum, PsychoKefka. Here' s his avy :
Wepah ! Je sais pas si tu regardais des dessins animés en français quand t' étais gosse, mais je me demandais, tu connais le joueur du grenier ?
Well, I get why you would be pissed if it was implemented after you bought the game. I know too little about the copyright mumbo jumbo to argue decently about it, but I certainly agree that those laws, from where I stand, do seem very flawed.
But why would you try to compare the video game industry to extortion ? I would understand the parallel if video games were a first necessity product, but you can live just fine without them, right ?
It' s not necessarily the game developers per say who try to ensure the maximum profits, it' s the investors. Most of the time such things are completely out of the artists' hands. I wasn' t trying to argue that the search for maximum profit is what I would personally aim for, in fact I wouldn' t, but I can certainly understand that the people who invest millions tend to try and ensure a profit with any legal measure they can think of. Most surprisingly, they aren' t willing to take the risk to be forced to watch their investment "burn out" just to teach pirates a lesson. They are the ones who lack faith in humanity, or rather lack the will to bet on it, they are the ones you should be arguing with. True. I' m one of the people who boycott such things. I wasn' t arguing that DRM doesn' t affect profits both positively and negatively, I' m arguing that if they keep doing it then it must mean that their charts proved the positives outweighs the negatives. It' s either that or they are completely stupid. I don' t understand why you keep bringing up extortion though, it' s illegal isn' t it ?
Did you know that Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker on PSP, a critically acclaimed main installment of an insanely popular IP, released when the PSP park was at its peak, sold less units than Metal Gear Acid, also on the PSP, despite the fact that Acid was tepidly received by the critics, was an obvious sub-par spin-off, and was released when the PSP park was at its lowest ? You can argue piracy morality all day long, in the end piracy does affect the sales. I know a few living breathing walking proofs of that, people who, as soon as piracy became an option, immediately ceased buying anything they could pirate, without a single exception. Do you really think the marketing departments device things like DRM on a whim ? For the sake of arguing piracy ? They' ve got more reliable charts than we' ll ever have and are paid to do the math, it' s their job. They found a legal way to increase their revenues and they' ll stick to it as long as it remains efficient and legal, any other consideration falls behind. As I said before if people aren' t happy with X Y Z they' d better put their money where their mouth is, money is the only thing the marketing departments are paid to care about.