Spoiler We saw him sigh, then we saw a medical team carry him out. It is established later in the movie that Fury lied to some degree when he announced Coulson' s death. Why the hell would he bother retrieving some locked away cards and bloody them if he could just show the body ? Am I seriously the only one who thinks we' re being trolled ?
http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Poe's_Law Oh hey, what' s this ? http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?124786-Opinions-on-Incest&p=3696978&viewfull=1#post3696978
People who can be frightened enough by a pop music video that they just assume its singer is of the devil and do something about it are the ones that scare me. Bigots. Bigots with a full broom up their ... woops ...
Oh lol, ct' arnaque ! Dommage. Je risquais pas d' aller en Chine, mais j' étais curieux de voir la tronche du park en photo/vidéo.
I would kill for a Yoshida/Sakimoto/Matsuno Final Fantasy Tactics 2, but a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 3 ? Not so much.
I havn' t played any of those but if I could pick one it would be Persona 4, without a shadow of a doubt.
Who knows what they all do when you' re not looking ? Just think of it as playing red light green light. A very special version of it. [video=youtube;wD1KXCl-6Wo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wD1KXCl-6Wo[/video]
[IMG] I am ... speechless ... http://www.toplessrobot.com/2012/05/theres_going_to_be_a_one_piece_amusement_park.php
Well, I really enjoyed FF XII but for me the series ended with IX, all the following numbered FF felt like mis-titled spin-offs.
Yes, it was turned into a horrendous MIDI soup. But there might be audio mods too, dunno, I never looked into that stuff. If not, emulating or playing PS1 games on a PS3 can also improve the graphics.
Earth' s atmosphere bends, scatters or refracts solar rays in different ways, depending on its amount of dust, clouds, particles etc ... I think that one was an almost total eclipse (which looks like Earth' shadow is biting the moon).
I suppose it' s too late to warn you guys that watching a solar eclipse without wearing special glasses burn your retinas permanently ? Retinas don' t have nerves so you don' t even feel a thing, which is why it can be very damaging (though it takes years for the toll to take). I hope the reason nobody mentioned it here is that it is common knowledge. Its looks can vary wildly depending on whether it' s total or not. http://www.newsauthority.net/2010/1...-spectacular-than-originally-thought/6528295/
Days and Coded should give you an idea how it would look like, a DS isn' t as powerful as a PS1. Brave Fencer Musashi was a PS1 3D A-RPG and it had voices. [video=youtube;uSTgdLEJ3Z0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSTgdLEJ3Z0&feature=related[/video]
Science ? Is that how pushing someone' s buttons is called now ?
Well, I think he got the idea, he knows how to find the rest. BTW, last month a UK radio station specialized in classical music asked their audience to vote for their favorite classical works of all time. "Aerith theme" ranked #16 (over 300). http://halloffame2012.classicfm.co.uk/individual/?position=16
V has at least as much grinding as XII. ^^ I-II-III, having almost no story, are all about grinding.
Then avoid I-II-III. If I put those you' ve already tried aside then V and IX are my favorites. You don' t like grinding so ... I' d say go for IX.