Gomu gomu no ... happy birthday ! Ow gawd, what' s up with May and birthdays ? Well, happy birthday ! Yeah right, 20 is sooooo old ...
You' re starting to scare the bejesus out of me ...
Stop breaking us down, you fool.
Here :
Fixed. They already do put ads in demo loading screens, this article is about a new kind of ads, happening right in the middle of a game, pausing it then rewinding it a little when you least expect it. Spoiler
For me the most difficult boss mission was beating Leechgrave without taking damage. In proud mode. The "beat six bosses without taking damage" mission was a close second. Both were much easier than beating BBS' Mysterious Figure with Terra in extreme mode though ...
I don' t think you' d like his screening process.
The pitch says the story is set "10 years after FF XII", but it also says it involves a "lone mercenary sent to Léa Monde to thwart a cult"; so I guess story-wise it would tie FF XII to VS, while gameplay-wise it would be closer to VS.
At least he got a big bunch of money out of it and made a name for himself, some just get screwed over period.
Judge Myhass : "I didn' t want to let people wonder whether I' m a softy or not, so instead I chose to prove once and for all that I' m a complete dumbass." Spoiler What about her parents ? Where the **** are they ? Aren' t there laws stating parents have to finance and raise their kids until they are ... 21 is it ?
Speaking of rumors ... http://www.the15thcrystal.net/2012/05/25/square-enix-to-announce-final-fantasy-xii-sequel-rumor.html I hope that one is true ! Well, that is if Matsuno is involved ... The font reminds me Vagrant Story rather than FF XII.
[video=youtube;NzJuDo5ots0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzJuDo5ots0[/video] Save your money and play the game with a piece of paper and a pencil.
Spoiler [video=youtube;VWbdcNmGYJU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWbdcNmGYJU[/video] [video=youtube;nZvehG_Lgls]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZvehG_Lgls[/video] [video=youtube;wa1CAeVqZiE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa1CAeVqZiE&feature=related[/video] [video=youtube;eC7px1atCec]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7px1atCec[/video] [video=youtube;xoE6_AhfYZE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoE6_AhfYZE[/video]
I think I' d have a fair chance to survive, unless for some reason the zombies aren' t completely dumb, but what I really wonder is whether i' d want to or not.
I read Ebert' s article a few days ago : http://blogs.suntimes.com/ebert/2010/04/video_games_can_never_be_art.html He brilliantly worded ideas I had a hard time wording myself before, although he' s quite dense when it comes to appreciating the other side of the argument. I think the components of a video game are artful, while the game itself is just a game. Of course some might think designing a game is, in itself, an art, depending on their definition for "art". Most areas that are now wildly recognized as arts (cinema for instance) had to fight their way through snobbish elitists to win this title, which they usually did by proving they could express things in ways the other arts couldn' t. I think video-games have this potential to do things the other arts can' t, for instance they can subvert the conventions established via their gameplay or their technical constraints and bend them to suit narrative or direction needs (the loading doors in Resident Evil, the wall covered with save points in Silent Hill 2, etc ...).
For self expression ? No, unless you bend it : 1 <3 u --<3<3--<3<3---- -<3<3<3<3<3<3-- --<3<3<3<3<3--- ---<3<3<3<3---- ----<3<3<3----- ------<3-------- For expression ? Yes.
Any bilingual member here probably knows that translation is treason. Each language was built and evolved in order to suit special needs, you cannot wrap just any idea around a given language efficiently. Mathematics, being a language, is no exception. We could also mention programming languages. BTW, did you know the LOLCAT language evolved into LOLCODE, a functional programming language ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LOLCODE