The one thing I' d keep from FFX is the camera angles, for several reasons : - It allows direction. SE barely tapped this potential in FFX, most of the time the camera was right behind Tidus and kept going forward. Direction is far from being their strong point, despite their love for cinema, but they could use it much more efficiently if they hired someone who has a deep understanding of this stuff. - It prevents the player to place the camera two inches away from polygons and textures, which is ideal for graphic-whores. - Each zone would require less modeling, texturing and hardware memory, so they could use much more polygons per object, better textures, and make more zones. - I think the "XBox/PS4" will finally reach the point where 3D with fixed camera angles looks just as gorgeous as HD 2D. - They don' t even have to make it a straight line, modeling a corridor takes as much time as modeling a crossroads. This was just SE being **** on leading our every step for no pertinent reason I can think of. I doubt they' ll do it though, they want to cater to players' demands, and most players seem to consider free camera as a requisite.
This was running on a high-end PC with off the shelves hardware, I doubt the "XBox720/PS4" will get anywhere near that power. Also, this was a real-time show-off, not a game. Remember the FF7 PS3 demo ? SE admitted that making such a pretty remake of a game that vast would be impossible. Too time-consuming. This demo is the along the same lines, it shows how high they could theoretically get (on a pricey PC) yet practically never will (unless you want another tiny corridor-game or a decade-to-make game).
Especially considering there' s a lil' map showing everything there is to find. As for any FF there' s a lot of informations in the guide that would require either insolents amounts of luck or hundreds of hours to figure out empirically. All that stuff can be found on-line for free, but web pages aren' t as convenient to use as books, although I suspect Wingly probably doesn' t care about any of that. Chances are he' ll just follow the (dreadful) guide advices.
In the early stages just use potions : it' s quicker, more efficient, and that way you can keep your characters as rav or com (med have few HP).
Why would letting its body rot, be eaten by maggots or burn be more respectful ? Egyptians viewed cats as gods yet they mummified them. Maybe it' s this owner' s own way of paying his respects : He added that Orville will soon be 'flying with the birds' stating: 'Oh how he loved birds". Honestly I doubt the cat had any demand on the matter anyway. Hell, my parents' cat is quite affectionate for a cat, yet I witnessed her torture the shit out of many living things purely for the lol of it, then treat their bodies as trophies. “Like all pure creatures, cats are practical.” ― William S. Burroughs, The Cat Inside
... Wait, we can do that (I mean in the Japanese PSN, not in the demo) ? How ?
I started downloading it. I created a Japanese account right after the "free PSN games welcome back" thingy, back then having both US and EU accounts back allowed me to pick six free games instead of three so I figured who knows, it might happen again. I can' t read a single kanji though, I typed a bunch of random stuff until the PSN accepted it as valid. For all I know I may have said that my name is "Ass Face" and that my address is "a place where the sun never shines" ...
But ... but now they' re using Uroboros ! Spoiler: Complete Global Saturation Muwahaha ! [/URL]
Have you answered the survey ? I doubt they' d ask what we think of the characters and the world if they didn' t intend to pursue this direction at all. Although, I think this is the first time they used both their eastern and western assets on the same project, maybe that' s why they wonder if we like the result : - Direction : Visual Works team, leaded by Yoshihisa Hashimoto, Takeshi Nozue (Advent Children, Versus XIII cinematics). - Concept art : Brian Horton and Brenoch Adams from Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider), Isamu Kamikokuryou (Final Fantasy XIII), Toshitaka Matsuda (Final Fantasy IX, X-2 and XIII). - Music : Robert Duncan (a Canadian). Also, the Luminous Engine isn' t running everything on its own in this video, they added it to Middleware Studio' s YEBIS 2 engine (Silicon Studio), and I suspect the hardware was a Silicon Graphics station. Oh, BTW :
Yo, wassup ! Spoiler [video=youtube;2zBfzJSyo6c][/video]
Make damn sure to get a real cheap second-hand copy : you don' t want to pay full-price for what' s essentially the love child of an AI-ridden straight-line beat' em all and a movie, peppered with overused shonen clichés driving the whole "plot".
Most French magazines never give perfect rates, there is no such thing as a perfect game. 18/20 is a pretty kick-ass note coming from RPGmag, fyi they rated 358/2 Days 14/20, BBS 17.5/20 and Re:Coded 15/20.
Basically she "wasted her time" debunking arguments from ignorance, her own argument being : playing video games is a cathartic and socializing activity.
... Well, I did say that I was answering this test to beat everyone' s score, but ... really ? X_x
The version I' m dying to see from start to finish is that one : Spoiler [video=youtube;wjX15zMt6z4][/video]