I figured as much. MGS almost always lives to its hype. I just cant wait till it comes out. I wish I could sell my PS3 though and buy that lovely MSG4 bundle.
I'd be a happy man if I could get House and Dexter on my PS3. This could be a pretty nifty addition though.
K, I'll PM you some to you.
She has a point. The preview would be the same thing as the Warning for new posts. Plus im pretty sure it wont kill you to have to spend 10 more seconds editing your post.
Leave.this.craphole.4ever. And hurry before it gets worse.
Must be :3
You gotta upload them somewhere then. And what kind of brushes are you looking for? Cause I have a ton of abstract, vectors, grunge, space, splatters, etc. And I have some smudge settings if you want, they work pretty good.
Maybe you werent around back then? D:
Awesome :D I gots a ton more screenies, but they were of threads that I dont think Sara would want me bringing up again xD.
Yush, I remember when misty was a regular person and flaunted the only sig to ever look awesome and be made in paint. Misty still has skittlez in paint, now she has them in gimp and PS too :3
Awesome cat is awesome. I think he needs one of these though:
Man, I sure do miss Roxas-chan.
Ah. Well RO is one of the best MMO's in my opinion. So I guess doing it all over again in a new setting would be fun. Custom stuff in Private servers get boring after a while.
Is this any different from RO? Cause it looks just like it.
We get nostalgic.
Hi Nobody's Shadow, I'm hot. It's oh so very nice to meet you. ....lol, you spelled meet wrong xD;
D: .....Who are you?! ;~;
Yeah, I knew Nobody's Shadow since 2nd grade and now we barely speak anymore. I miss her D':
I dont think she didnt like your gift, I think its just not a show-off-to-your-friends kind of gifts. Video games are just mostly for self enjoyment, but stuff like snowglobes do....nothing xD. It just sits there and looks pretty, so of course she would have to show it off since it does.....nothing.