Look at the camera...Look at the camera....dumb dog...
19578 Koi No Mega Lova!!
19576 Chu Chu Lovely Muni Muni Mura Mura Purin Purin Boron Nurururerorero
Way more...
His name is Mark? But he turns to be Xaldin at night No connection....
19569 Bow Shwow!!
hot damn!!!
19565 This thread almost died
I got 3 :sideways:
19560 Bowow!!!!
19557 Kokokokokokokokokokoko!
19555 Coco!!!
I did. once...I dream of something that had to do with death, didn't know who it was, but it was a girl and it seems we were very close friends
19551 Cool!!!
19,549 Vroom!!!!
A lot of Cookies
19544 Choochoo!
LMFAO Awesome!
19542 Cookies!!!
^ I agree with her, it really looks good