All right, see ya. ^^
Hmm, I didn't think of that... I don't know, I still can't decide.
I saw it last night. It was horrible; absolutely nothing happened. I don't see why they did their live show there, the only thing that happened the last time they were there was that bang. They should of gone back to the Stanley Hotel or at least someplace where they actually caught some sort of paranormal activity. >_> I was not happy last night. And I have no idea what I would do if I was a ghost being annoyed by ghost hunters. xD
I didn't get any! My friend slept over. xD We have lots of left over candy from the trick-or-treaters. Question. My cell phone is getting real...
Did ya get lots of candy? 8D
*revives* I'm good, how about you?
*pokes* Hi.
Black Hole Sun ~ Soundgarden
Yeah, we are. But she has to go in half an hour. ;-;
xDDD Television is awesome.
All right good. xD Ah, I see. Yeah, I need to get a job so I have money for car insurance. And no, I don't plan on switching to Geico.
It's really fun: I'm not trying to brag or anything. You should ask for it for Christmas.
Well...we kind of got distracted by Rock Band, so...yeah. xD Oh, and my friend says hi! 8D
Hope you get better. <3
My friend is over @ the moment; we're watching Ghost Hunters Live. 8D
Agreed. <3
Yeah, I know. So lucky for us viewers too. xD
Eh, they weren't like I pictured. I guess everyone has their own personal Edward. xD But Taylor is perfect for Jacob. No joke. I <3 him.
Eh, Rob isn't good looking enough and Kristen is too tomboyish. That's what I think at least. I hate the people they chose for Emmet and...
Ah, I see. xD That's what my friend and I are doing. Mostly throwing popcorn at the screen though, because the only actor we like is the one...