The part I didn't understand was in TWTNW, where they run in on Ansem the Wise and his heart-stealing thingy blew up...that was just weird. And, Ansem the Wise's voice ANNOYS me. Seriously, he sounds like he has speech problems.
It sounded more like he was saying "Burrito".
We know that Xemnas is 'Ansem' jumbled up with an X, but what could the other member's names be? And I know Roxas is Sora spelled wrong with an X, but what could Larxene, Saix, Axel, Xigbar, and the rest names formerly be? (Axel could be Lea, but does that sound kind of girly?)
Kairi is a bit useless. I mean, I'm not saying she's stupid or not, but, what's the point in her? She can't fight, Sora really gay? OMG!!!
Yeah. Axel looks between his late teens and early twenties. Larxene looks like she's twenty, but... Xemnas doesn't look that old either, or Saix. Good question. DO NOBODIES AGE? But, maybe when Xigbar turned into a Nobody they were older. That could be a possibility.
Did anyone like it? Think it was funny? Don't be shy to reply. I need some constructive critiscm. So Let your thoughts out!
Organization XIII - Axel was now inside the Organization's stronghold - the Castle That Never Was. He was in the meeting room, the one with the high chairs. He felt a little guilty for not coming back with Roxas - or did he feel guilty? He fiddled with his zipper while he waited for the meeting to start. Saix was sitting in his chair, but he wasn't looking at Axel or speaking to him. Like most days. "Where do you think Roxas went?" Axel spoke up, glancing at Saix. Saix looked at him with a cold glare. "You should have came back with him." "Well...he just LEFT and didn't say anything! Gosh, I mean, what's up with you? He didn't want to come and I didn't push it!" Axel's raised voice echoed around the ceiling. Saix didn't reply. "Hold your temper. You don't want to go off on Xemnas like that." Axel narrowed his eyes but he talked to himself. Even though he knew he was a Nobody, he could still remember that feeling of anger. It was faint, almost barely there...but he could still remember it... Just at the moment Xemnas, Demyx, Xigbar, Luxord, and the rest of the Organization warped into the room. "What happened back there with Roxas? I thought we could count on you?" Demyx asked, looking at Axel. Axel rolled his eyes. "It wasn't MY fault." he muttered. Demyx sighed and put his hands behind his head, closed his eyes and waited. Out of the corner of his eye, Axel saw Saix glaring at him again, including Xemnas. "You failed to bring back Roxas." "I know, I know, do you have to rub it in?" "I'm giving you another chance." "Look, give me a break. I mean, Roxas really isn't that connected with us anyways. I don't understand why you guys are all foaming at the mouth just because he's not here." "He has the Keyblade." "So?" "If you don't get him, that boy Riku will." "Riku's just a bunch of potatoes." Xemnas didn't speak again. That meant the other members could rub in their opinons. Luxord pulled out his cards and waved them. "Riku's much stronger than you think. He could overpower Roxas whenever he liked." "What's that supposed to mean? Hit him in the head with a bottle and wrap him up in a sack?" Demyx giggled, but he stopped abruptly when Xemnas looked at him viciously. "Riku has taken full possesion of darkness. And he's working alongside that man, DiZ." Saix added. "DiZ is nuts, okay. I don't know WHAT Riku sees in him." At the mention of DiZ, Xemnas had a sour expression on his face. "We need to execute DiZ. Who's up for the job?" "I'll do it. If DiZ and Riku are together, I'm bound to run into Roxas." *** Chapter 3 coming soon!
Thanks! I like it too. Keep on reading! ^-^
Is the Stupid Files really funny? I'm kinda afraid to watch it...
Part I - Whose Side Are You On? Roxas slipped quietly in the shadows of the World That Never Was, his hood over his head. He did not want to be seen. Looking over his shoulder, his blue eyes searched the grounds to see if that silver-haired, blind-folded boy was following him. His voice reminded him of someone...but whom he did not know. It was quiet. The way Roxas liked it...loved it. He loved the quiet, that tingle of the darkness. It felt better than the light. "Roxas..." the voice whispered. It was him again. Out of nowhere, the blind-folded boy jumped off a building. He jumped on Roxas and pushed him to the ground. Roxas's hood flew off his head as he wrestled with him, locked in physical combat. "!" he panted, kicking him the stomach. The blind-folded boy fell to the ground, but he recovered fast and hit Roxas on the forehead. Roxas felt sick. He thought he was going to puke. "Whose side are you on?" asked the blind-folded boy. "I'm...with them..." "Who's them?! Speak sense!" "I'm not telling you who they are!" Roxas howled, jumping up and summoning his Keyblades. The blind-folded boy looked at him, even though Roxas wasn't so sure. "You'll tell me - I'll make you tell me." he hissed in a low, menacing voice. Roxas threw his Keyblade at him. He warped onto a building. "You'll tell me Roxas! I'll make sure of that!" *** Roxas walked through the empty streets. He had a large bruise on his forehead from where the blind-folded boy had socked him. If he scrunched up his forehead it stung. "Roxas," Roxas expected it to be him again, but instead it was one of the Organization members. "Oh, Axel." Roxas sighed, noticing his spikey red hair and bright green eyes. "I've been looking for you - I heard you yelling." "I was screaming at some heartless." Roxas lied. Axel knew he was lying, but he didn't persuade. "Xemnas wants to see you." "Tell Xemnas to get a life. I don't want to be bothered with him." Axel's eyes began burning like flames. "Roxas! You can't turn your back on the Organization! Do you know what they'll do?" Roxas reeled. "Look! I can do whatever I want. It's not like they'll care anyways. If I had a seizure they could care LESS if I died or not." Roxas, still fuming, warped and left. Axel sighed, and rubbed the back of his neck. Roxas was totally different now. He and Axel used to get along. Now, they were like two cats, one trying to help the other while the other hissed and swatted. "What's gotten into Roxas?" Axel muttered as he warped back to the castle. Part 2 coming soon... I gave it that name because "Final Mix+" sounded cool :D. I hoped you enjoyed the introduction. I ended it like that so you'd ponder.
In Kingdom Hearts, each Keyblade had a different strength - like the Kingdom Key wasn't as strong as the Oblivion, or the Ultimia. But, in Kingdom Hearts II, the Keyblades all have the same strength, even though they may haven't been that strong before. Can someone please explain to me the difference in Keyblades? I just noticed that.
Hello. I just joined and I just noticed this forum. I'm new so...I guess I need a warm welcoming! :D
Thank you for complimenting my works (tehe). I will work on writing a more interesting story. ^^ SilentNocturne
Inside Castle That Never Was, Marluxia's Bedroom~ Marluxia opened up his bedroom window, carrying a bowl full of water to water his plants. They were small roses, and their sweet fragrance wafted into the window. Just as he was cutting the dead flowers off the stems, there was a BANG above his head, and a fireball blasted past his window. Marluxia leaned out the window. "AXEL?" He called. "Yup?" Axel's bright shock of red hair was not well hidden behind his shrubs. "What're you doing?" "Um...trying to kill Larxene. She called me a Potato-Chip stealer, just because she caught me eating thirty chips in the living room and trying to read Xemnas's journal." "Er...whatever." Marluxia watched Larxene stick her tongue out at Axel, and he scream "BURN" loudly. "Juveniles." he muttered, putting fresh soil into his flowers pots and smoothing it down. Ah, how he loved his flowers. "Marluxia! Watch out!" Marluxia barely had time to react when a book hit him. His forehead hit the glass window, and stars blinked in front of his eyes. Staggering, he reached for something to stabalize himself as he wobbled around. Oh, goodness, I think I might...He bumped into his desk. Coming back to his senses, he watched as the packet of wet, moist soil flew out of his reach and onto his bed, making a long, dark brown mark. "Ugh," he grumbled, looking at the mess on his pink bedspread. "Sorry about that, Marluxia. Xaldin decided he wanted to carry books back into the library by wind, but that doesn't work, does it?" It was Roxas. "No, it doesn't." Marluxia growled, rubbing his aching forehead. Now, I gotta clean this mess up, he thought angrily. He grabbed a bucket of water, some soap, and a mop. Pouring the soap onto the floor, he dunked the mop into the water and began washing his floor again until it was spotless. Just then, Xigbar's shout erupted down the hall. His laser bullet struck the dirty bucket of water, making it fly all over. Now, there was a brown puddle of water on his used-to-be-spotless floor. "Gurrrr.....XIGBAR!!!" He went into the bathroom, finding Larxene sitting on thea chair, reading a book. "Hey," she waved. "Where's Axel?" Marluxia asked as he grabbed a towel. "With Xemnas, for 'stealing his journal'." "How come you're reading a book in the bathroom?" "I dunno, I just wanted to. I'm going to take a bath in twenty minutes and Zexion was about ready to dunk in. You know how he is - 'I like stinging hot showers!'" "O.K..." Marluxia left with his towels, only to be knocked over (again), by Saix. "Sorry, are you okay?" he asked, looking at Marluxia. "If you don't count all the bruises on my body, yeah I'm okay." he growled. "Sorry." Saix replied, walking around Marluxia. Marluxia sighed and keep going, now angrier than ever. As he was walking, he heard Demyx playing his music again, this time that annoying Three Six Mafia soundtrack. After wiping the floor and washing it again, Marluxia had heard enough of that booming music and stormed out into the hallway. He turned Demyx's doorknob. He found Demyx asleep on his bed, with his iPod speakers turned up to MAX. Pulling the cord out the wall, he watched Demyx wake up. "Huh...hey, I was just having a good dream about them..." he yawned. "Yeah, well I'm tired of HEARING them, if you don't mind. Why don't you take your 'mafia' back where they belong - in the mafia." Marluxia left Demyx and was walking down the hallway back to him room to wash his sheets when he saw Xemnas walking down the hallway also carrying a stack of books. "Marluxia, can you help me file these?" he asked. Marluxia took a deep breath. "O-Kay." he grumbled, taking some. Xemnas started chattering about Kingdom Hearts. Marluxia was not listening. It went out one ear and came out the other. The only words he picked up were 'hearts', 'organization', 'roxas', 'heartless', 'me', and some other things that he forgot. After he helped arrange the books, he left to finally wash his sheets. Putting them in his laundry basket, he walked down to the washroom. In the washroom, he found Vexens washing AND drying some clothes. "It's Axel's, Roxas's, mine, yours, Larxene's, and Xaldin's." he said. "How long is it going to take?" Marluxia asked impatiently, tapping his food. "The washer and dryer's finished, so it's all yours," Vexen left to fold the the laundry. Putting his sheet carefully in the washer, he picked up his detergent bottle. It was empty. "Oh, great, who used up all my favorite detergent?" He then went downstairs into the basement, where Roxas asked him to help him find his door key. He did. Once he found his detergent, he put it in the washing machine and didn't even waste his time going back to retrieve it. I might as well take a nap. Marluxia put on his longuing clothes, but he was interupted by Larxene's high voice: "MARLUXIA!"
How you know your obessed is: 1. You start looking for Organization XIII (caught doing it, hehe ^^) 2. You think whenver someone says, "Look!" you automatically think, "Heartless or Nobody!" 3. You think whenver someone says, "BURN" it's Axel trying to turn you into bacon. 4. You have wild dreams of battling monsters with Keyblades. 5. You start trying to seal your town's keyhole. 6. You thought you saw Roxas in Borders. Number 1,2,3,4, and 6 I've all been caught doing (by my own self!!). I'm seriously OBSSESED.
More Organization XIII battles! (DUH). I mean, in KH II Final Mix+ you could battle the members from Chain of Memories!
Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you! I had this snap idea about the Organization going to Disneyland - I hope you enjoy it! Arigato!!! Evening at the Castle That Never Was ~ It was nearly dinner time, and Roxas was sitting at the dining table playing Poker with Luxord, Axel, and Demyx, who was recording their scores. "Luxord, did you just Fold?" Demyx asked. Luxord nodded, a satisfied look in his blue eyes. Roxas had only played Poker two times ever since he'd been challenged by Luxord, and he was a complete wiz at this. Larxene walked in, smelling like vanilla and caramel perfume again. "You guys playing Poker again?" she asked dully, sitting down in her chair and smelling up the whole room. "Dang, Larxene. I'm surprised you haven't put yourself in some dough and in the oven." Axel commented as he threw four chips into the center table. Larxene pouted and went into the kitchen. Twenty minutes later, Roxas and Axel had cleared the Poker match after Luxord won and put them in a plastic bag. Then, they sat down and began eating in silence. Vexen broke it. "Where should we go tomorrow? It's Saturday." Axel exchanged looks with Roxas. "We can go to the library." Vexen suggested hopefully. "NO." Larxene grumbled as she hid her spinach up under her pasta. "Why not?" "It's BORING." Larxene replied, ending the library suggestion. "I think I have an idea." Roxas spoke up. Everyone looked at him in surprise. "Where?" Xigbar asked, wrapping some bits of bacon in his napkin to save for later. "Disneyland." The other members' reactions was silence, then Marluxia's laughter made Roxas blush red. "DISNEYLAND? That's for kiddies." He grinned, dipping some of his carrots into some ranch dressing. Saix's reaction was the same. "I'm not going there. It's for babies. Where did you even get THAT idea from, Roxas?" "I - I just decided we could do something different." Roxas stammered, feeling like a complete idiot. "Hey, that actually sounds cool." Demyx spoke up through a mouthful of colard greens, spraying green bits everywhere. Roxas smiled; he glanced hopefully at Axel. "Yeah, I'm in." Well, Roxas thought, at least I have two people on my side. Xemnas had been quiet for a while before speaking, "Let's have a debate. Raise your hand if you agree to Roxas's idea." Larxene's hand shot up, nearly knocking her plate of pasta salad over onto Roxas's lap. "I'm up for it. That's three." Xigbar also volunteered. After some hesitation, Xaldin gave in; then Marluxia with a smirk on his face, Luxord grumbled something before also raising his hand, Demyx and Axel joined in the fun, and everyone except Saix raised their hand. "Well, Saix, how are you supposed to defend your position if you're going up against twelve other people?" Axel asked. Saix sighed. "I told you - why would I go to Disneyland? Even saying that word makes me sick." "Oh, come ON. Don't be such a rotten egg. We can specially design a paper bag and write: "I HATE DISNEYLAND, PERIOD." Across the front for you." Demyx giggled. "All right, I'll go. But, don't make me take a picture with -" "Let's make him wear a Mickey Mouse costume!!" Axel shouted. "No, Minnie Mouse - oh won't that be hilarious." As everyone started talking about tomorrow, Roxas tapped his fork against the table. Everyone quieted. "I just have one thing to say - we can't go." "Why not?" Larxene asked. "We don't have passes yet." Axel nodded. "That's right, we have to have passes." "We can buy them when we get there." "Or warp," Everyone started making suggestions. Roxas was surprised at how (somewhat) enthusiastic everyone was at the prospect of going to Disneyland. Part II - To the Park "I haven't driven this big car in a while, don't be surprised if I run over a couple of people..." Axel muttered as he started up the engine on their black SUV and drove off slowly. "Hey, watch it, Axel. You're going to -!" Marluxia was cut off when a loud CRUNCH, BANG, SNAP sounded as Axel drove right over Marluxia's prized flower garden. "Hey, Carrot-head. I'm going to make you pay! Ohhhh, look at my poor, beautiful English roses and Lilies!" Marluxia whined as he looked out the back at his trashed garden. "You can always get more." Saix muttered. He had been reluctant to go this morning and had baracated his door. After Lexaeus and Xaldian pushing it open, he'd finally come. "I'm telling you, this is going to be horrible..." he grumbled, looking away from Demyx's snickers. Roxas was feeling a little excited - and nervous. He did not know how the Organization was going to react to Mickey Mouse, ice cream bars, cute toys, and a bunch of odd rides and pancakes. He looked at the members. As usual, Xemnas was looking as calm and cool as possible, not a worry in his face, Larxene, however, was listening to her hot-pink iPod a little loudly, Marluxia was still fretting over his garden with a sour look on his face, Axel was rolling his eyes at a man in a Honda on the freeway, muttering "Stupid, get out of my way. Got it memorized?". Demyx was writing a new song of his for his Sitar, Xigbar was taking a nap (or was he?) Luxord was playing War with Zexion (who was obviously cheating because he kept getting Aces), Saix was glaring at nothing in particular, Xaldin was carefully braiding his black hair into its usual style, Lexaeus was reading a fitness magazine, Vexen's face was up all in the latest National Geographic Magazine, obviously reading an article on DNA. "How do you guys feel about this?" Roxas asked. "It's all right." Luxord said as he slipped a Queen onto his lap. "I'm just - nervous." Roxas admitted. "About what? C'mon, you've gotta be a big boy now." Larxene said a little loudly, throwing her head from side-to-side and making Xemnas scoot over so he wouldn't get a concussion. "I know...but..." "No worries. Got it memorized?" Axel said, tapping this side of his head as he stopped at a redlight. Roxas couldn't help but smile as they began driving. "Where are we?" Marluxia asked abruptly. He sounded still a little pissed about the flower incident and rolled his eyes at Axel. "Anaheim, California." Xigbar mumbled (he was asleep). "Maybe you'll see some petunias," Larxene spoke again, saying something from the song she was listening to and not making any sense at all. Marluxia scowled and pulled out his handheld mirror, running his hands over his hair. Saix put both of his hands over his eyes, muttering, "I'm going to a kiddie park...I'm going to a kiddie park..." over and over again. "Hey, maybe we should get Winnie the Pooh to hug Saix," Demyx grinned at him as Saix removed his hands from his face and glared at him. "You are absolutely NOT going to make ME get a HUG from a ludricous, yellow bear who eats honey and entertains TWO-YEAR-OLDS." He growled, frowning and giving Roxas a meaningful, why-did-you-do-this look. Roxas looked away. Whenever Saix gave him that intense look he had to look away. Larxene bounced up and down, causing her iPod to fly out of her hand and into the air. Roxas watched it sail through the air, and gasping as it seemed to be attracted to Marluxia. He was so busy straightening his bangs he barely saw the pink iPod flying through the air. Too late. WHAM. Roxas heard Demyx snort with laughter, and even Saix was smiling. Axel was grinning so widely his face looked like it was about to split. "Owww....who did that?" Marluxia growled, picking up the iPod on the seat and holding it up. "Oops, sorry, Marly." Larxene grinned, put her headphones back in and put them in her ears. Then her loud, girly pop music began playing. "Oh, look at me now..." growled Marluxia, lifting up a lock of his pink hair to reveal a bump the size of Montana. "I could pass for a bear looking like THIS." Xigbar smirked. "When we get to the park, you can get a water bottle and put on it." Xemnas suggested calmly, but when Roxas looked at him he was grinning widely as well. Part 3: Disneyland "Really, you guys must be trying to do something to me. I can't go in...THERE." Saix was grumbling as Luxord and Larxene were pulling him along. "Oh, come on, you'll like it. I'll buy you an ice cream bar...oh that's right, you can't have ice cream! Ha, ha, ha! Crystal Light for you then!" Larxene taunted. Saix blushed two shades darker, almost as red as a raspberry, making his yellow eyes stand out even more. "Larxene, stop acting like a baby. People are staring at us!" he hissed. Larxene giggled like a hyper five-year-old, nearly tripping Xemnas, who was busy looking at the park ahead. "No more Starbucks for you," he said as he pulled up the edge of his coat so Larxene's heel wouldn't tread on it. "WHAT?! You guys know how I LOVED that caramel cake, ohhhh, and that Vanilla latte...." she babbled on about the luxuries of Starbucks, rolling her head and hitting Saix and kicking Xemnas (again) so that he almost stepped on a two-year-old boy who was fascinated by them for some reason. "LOOK AT THAT KID...he's GAWKING." Saix was staring at the little boy as if he had some contagious disease. "Oh, it's just a little boy. Awww, ain't he cute?" Larxene goggled, giving the boy a pearly smile. "Weird," he said, turning back as his mother gave him his Pluto-toy and picked him up to order passes. "You guys all stand around the sidelines, I'll pay on my credit card." Xemnas said, pushing them out of the line and getting back in. "Ugh," Saix muttered as he sat down, still blushing. Larxene sat down next to him, suggesting the things they should do. "FIRST, I want to get breakfast. They have Mickey Mouse pancakes over at this place, and I want some pancakes, y'know? Because, like, the last time I had pancakes they were made by Xigbar and he put vinegar instead of cooking spray in them and..." Roxas turned away from Larxene as she flung her hands in the air, slapping Saix on the back of the head. He blushed deeper red and scooted over. "I don't know you," he snapped as a woman with her daughters walked by, staring at them curiously. "So, how ya liking it?" Roxas asked Demyx and Axel, who were looking at the Disneyland Park map. "Great, this place is WAY better than Wal-Mart." Roxas nodded, leaning against the wall of the ticket booth. "Yup, I really want to go to Splash Mountain, though..." Axel said, tapping his finger against his nose. Roxas nodded. "It's fast, but I'm sure if Vexen got on it he'd freeze it." Roxas snickered. "Hey, I heard that, ROXAS." Vexen said loudly. Xemnas then returned, watching Saix wrestle with Larxene as she hooked herself onto him. "Get off, smell like cookies." "I guess some people are having a nice time," he smiled as Larxene drug Saix over to them. "NO. Don't make me...please. I'll cook for a week." he begged, rolling his eyes 180 degrees. "Nope! I'm going to make you get on all the rides, Saix, and you're going to have to take a nice BIG picture with Mickey Mouse." Part 4: Crazy Demyx "We're at Disneyland!" Larxene did a ballerina twirl, making Saix hide in Roxas, Axel, and Demyx's shadow. "Look at the girl; she's making Organization XIII look like dance production." he muttered. "Oh, come on. Be jolly for once." Luxord commented, patting Saix on the back. Saix looked like he'd sucked on two very sour lemons. "BEE HAPPY, BEE HEALTHY!" She cried a little loudly, scaring a horse a few feet away as she recited the Cheerios cereal commercial. "Oh Lord, I think I'm going to really have to put a paper bag over my head if she's going to be reciting cereal commercials." Saix growled, holding his head down as they walked through the small crowds. "Breakfast first!" Larxene twirled again, knocking Zexion off his feet. He nearly went toppling over the bridge through the castle into the lake. Luckily, from Lexaeus's fast reflexes, he didn't drown. "Thanks," he gasped, stepping away from Larxene as she did a great flourish of twirling her coat. Xemnas didn't seem the least abashed by Larxene's naive attics. "She'll calm down once she gets food in her...I think." he said, grabbing her before she toppled into a very fat man who was eating a churro. Axel opened up the map again and his bright green eyes wavered over to Splash Mountain. "Can't wait..." he sighed. "Hope you don't burn the boat, though." Roxas giggled. "Oh, not you too!" Saix gasped from behind him. "There must be something in the air - the Disneyland I the only non-infected person here?" "Give it a BIG break, Saix. All you've ever done is complained." Marluxia said from beside Demyx. "Oh, shut up, rose-bud." Saix growled. "No fighting please," Xemnas broke up the tension between the two as Larxene accidently punched Xigbar, making him run into a woman and her husband. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Didn't see ya there." he added as the woman's husband gave him a glare. At breakfast, they sat outside. It was a very beautiful day, Roxas thought. It was pleasantly warm, and the sun was shining on him, warming him from head to toe. There were swirls of cirrus clouds in the deep blue sky, and the smell of summer was on the breeze. "Oh, look, a butterfly." Larxene cooed as a large Monarch fluttered by, soaring on the breeze. Saix was eating his food and rolling his eyes at Larxene, just because she got Mickey Mouse pancakes and a chocolate milk. "I can't believe you," he muttered as he finished his breakfast. "You want the ear?" she asked, waving one of the ears in front of his face. "N-O." he growled, pushing the ear away from him. Xemnas poured some sugar in his tea, but he pulled some Splenda out of his pocket and gave it to Saix. "We don't want you to have an attack here - since you're already upset." He coughed a little, trying to hide his smile. Saix muttered something as he ripped open a packet of Splenda angrily and poured it in his tea. After their breakfast, Axel encouraged them to go towards Splash Mountain. Vexen wanted to go to Tomorrowland to look at the inventions, Larxene wanted to go to see Pooh and drag a reluctant Saix along, who looked horrified at the thought, Lexaeus and Xaldin wanted to try shooting, Demyx and Roxas also wanted to go to Splash Mountain, Xemnas didn't care at all, Luxord wanted to go to Toon Town and hit someone in the head (for no reason at all), Xigbar wanted to get on the Matahorn, and Marluxia wanted to get on the Teacups (probably because of the flowers). "Well, Larxene and Saix are going to go see Pooh," ("NO!" Saix yelled as Larxene, singing, "I told you so, I told you so!" drug him away) Xemnas watched them leave before speaking again. "Luxord, you can go over to Toon Town, I'll be with Vexen in Tomorrowland, and the rest of you guys - go wherever. Meet up at the train station at 3:30 sharp." "Yes, Xemnas." everyone said, and they split up. Roxas, Demyx, and Axel walked off to Splash Mountain. It was when Demyx's terrified cries made the two whip around. "Help!!! I - I think I'm lost! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" He cried. "I knew he shouldn't have had that Coke for breakfast." Axel grumbled as he grabbed Demyx. "HELP! SOOOO MANY PEOPLLLLLEEEE! AAAAAAAHHHHH! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" He hit Axel in the head and ran wildly, creating a crowd. "DEMYX!" Axel and Roxas cried at the same time. Demyx was making a real comedy. He did a flip, glided around on a fountain of water, and then started singing Snoop Dogg loudly. "OMG, this is bad." Axel moaned as Demyx started doing the jig. A couple of people laughed loudly. He then started whinnying like a horse and bobbed his head, then ate some grass. "Er...what's going on with Demyx?" Xemnas was behind them, watching Demyx rear up and then bark like a dog. "He had a Coke behind our backs." Axel replied. "And I thought Saix was bad enough...Demyx!" Demyx was not listening. He then started speaking French, even though most of the words weren't really French. Then, he started talking like Bugs Bunny and asked for a carrot. Everyone laughed except Xemnas, Axel, and Roxas. They were standing there, watching a hyper Demyx start ice-skating (or water-skating). He did a perfect twirl and the crowd applauded. Then, he attacked like a pirate, and then said, "I like spinach ice cream with mustard on top, it's delicious." Axel pretended to throw up as he bowed, then fell down on the ground. "Demyx!" Roxas ran over to Demyx as the crowd diminshed and everyone left. "Huh? What happened?" he asked. "You were having a big show for everyone, now let's go find the others, because we're going to have leave." They went out Organization XIII hunting. They found Larxene and Saix taking a picture with Winnie the Pooh. They couldn't contain their laughs at Saix's expression, especially since he was squished up against Winnie the Pooh. Larxene had a Mickey Mouse hat on top of her head, and she was grinning widely. "I'm going to hang this up on the living room wall!" she cried as the photographer handed her the picture. Saix rolled his eyes and covered his face. "You got a paper bag that reads: 'LARXENE, PLEASE SHUT UP FOR ONCE'?" Roxas, Demyx, Axel, and Xemnas laughed again at their picture. "You look GREEN!" Demyx laughed, pointing at the picture." They found Marluxia adoring some hedges with wide eyes, and they caught Xigbar eating a chocolate fudge sundae instead of being on the Matahorn. "What? I was hungry." he whined as he licked some chocolate off his spoon. Vexen was goggling over a computer, saying, "Oh, I could stay here all day!" Lexaeus and Xaldin were trying to see who could shot more than the other, and Luxord had accidently hit an old lady on the knee. "At least it didn't break," he said, shrugging at Zexion's grin. "Hey, Axel." Roxas said as they walked to their bedrooms that evening. "I had a pretty cool day." "Me too, let's go again." "Sure." THE END. I think it was pretty cool...different ya know? I mean, it's pretty funny how the Organization goes to Disneyland. I know it was a bit long, but tell me how you feel and if it's a good response, I'll write a third story for you! Love, SilentNocturne :) Before I go to bed, I would like to tell all of you who read this that I am going to write a 3rd story, but It's going to be about Kingdom Hearts II instead of just the Organization. Don't worry, there will be other Organization XIII comedies that I'm going to write :), I just have to get ideas. Enjoy my threads. Love, SilentNocturne P.S. - Don't be afraid to send me a friendly private message. I've just joined KH-Vids.Net.
Thank you for telling me that they will probably delete my thread. And what do you mean, 'my name'? Do you mean my real name? Well...It's Yasmine. I will look into importing :). Oh, and is your name "Roxas" in Japanese Katakana? I've learned a little and can read the characters.
Hello, folks: I've been writing for a while, and I decided I wanted to write a few short stories about life in the Organization (through my perspective!). 1: Mayhem I went into the kitchen. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the only people up were Axel, Larxene (who was painting her nails canary-yellow), and Roxas. "Good MORNING." Axel said to me, giving me a lopsided smile. I smiled back shyly. I still hadn't gotten used to being in this place. Sitting down inbetween Larxene, who smelled like nail polish, and Roxas, I stared off into space. Axel abruptly put his feet up on the table and threw his head back. "I'm BORED. Who else is bored?" Larxene gave him a funny look. "You can go clean up the basement..." Axel's expression changed. "Nope, sorry I mentioned that." I grinned slightly. After a few minutes of silence, Zexion walked in, combing his long bang over his left eye. "Morning," he grumbled, and sat down. "Don't you have anything else better to do?" Axel asked, montioning to his comb. Zexion glared and kept combing his hair. Other than Axel giggling his foot, Larxene carefully dipping her brush back into the bottle, and Zexion's comb whisking through his hair, it utterly dull. After ten minutes, the rest of the Organization filed in. Axel moved positions. Roxas sat across from me and Axel sat beside me. "Just wait till the food piles in." he whispered to me. I looked at him curiously, following his green eyes to where Saix was sitting. "What?" he asked. "Nothing - you just look, different today." I noticed Saix's expression. It looked utterly savage. The food started piling in. I ate in silence, but I was interrupted by Axel's giggling. He nudged me in the ribs. "Hand me some of your eggs." he whispered. I did. He took them in his hand, and positioned them for a flick. "Watch," flicking the eggs, it hit Saix on the cheek. Quickly he put his eyes down, but I could see him smirking. "Who did that?" Saix asked. "Not me," Axel coughed, grinning. Saix frowned again, but kept eating. I tried to keep a straight face. When Xemnas got up for something, Roxas pushed his glass of water over to his plate. Carefully, he opened up a packet of salt and sprinkled it in. Before Xemnas returned, he squirted some pancake syrup in it until it was dark brown - like coffee. Axel was trying to hide his expression, as well as me and Roxas. "Here, Xemnas," Roxas gave him the cup, looking innocent. "What is this?" "Coffee," Xemnas looked suspicious, but he sat down. Axel was waiting patiently for the moment when he would drink the salt-and-pancake-syrup drink that looked nasty to me. We waited. Xemnas was still eyeing the drink. He tapped it. It barely moved. "This doesn't look like coffee." "It IS. We just put a lot of cream in it, you know, since you love cream." "At least he hasn't died yet from eating it." I giggled softly. I saw Larxene watching me as their leader took a drink. "You guys, that wasn't funny." he said after putting down the drink. Me and Axel and Roxas were laughing. Demyx had distracted him by throwing his fork high into the air. It had landed on Larxene's yellow nail-polish bottle, making it fall on to her lap. She had attacked Demyx and tried to pull out his hair, and while Xemnas was trying to calm her down, he'd split the syrupy drink all over his coat. Now, he was covered in salty-brown, sticky liquid.
My favorite members would be (of course) Axel. I really hated that part in TWTNW, but it was so sweet (sob) that Axel helped Sora get to the Organization's castle, I also love how he says, "got it memorized?" That's a cool line! Not only is he my favorite, but I like Marluxia (the way he uses flowers to kill people is actually kind of cool, wow...^^), and his pink hair is really cool too. The other members that I liked where Saix, Xemnas, and Larxene ^^