I was thinking like, just after he did that 'sword-thing', around when Stryker said 'You'd be the perfect soldier if you didn't have that mouth',...
lol, naw, that sounds more like Norris's thing...have you seen X-Men: Origins? We could make him, technique wise, like Wade Wilson, in the beginning.
Let me put it to you this way: He's a skilled martial artist in real life, yes, but should we have him be as human as Norris, or allow him to...
Question is, should we make Frank stay human martial artist, or morphed-up hero?
Okay, how about this: The enemy has found a weapon that can actually nullify Chuck's awesome 'Norris-ness', so he calls on the aid of someone...
Most movies are fiction, anyway.
Norris; He takes on something a little more than he can handle, and goes on search for Frank, the 'legend'.
Actually, I was thinking of him being the 'old' Chuck Norris. I mean, if he's not beating up/destroying other worldly threats with weapons, super...
In real life, he's a sixth degree martial artist in karate, who's entering the UFC. So, he's no 90-lb weakling.
What is it?
This guy...or rather, all of them: http://www.ateruworldwideassociation.com/jasondfranksm.jpg
Ah, but you have! Only thing is, you don't know him as 'Jason David Frank'. You know him as 'Tommy Oliver'.
*shrugs* Present legend meets past legend.
Chuck Norris.
Jason David Frank as lead.
to a theater near you.
The legend's reborn.
Indeed, sirrah.
You too, sirrah.