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  1. Darkcloud
    Oh, so they do that often? The only time I was familiar with it was the MMPR one. I always wanted MMPR to team up with the VR Troopers, since they had a lot in common the time they were on.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  2. Darkcloud
  3. Darkcloud
    I was wondering if you'd show up. :D
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Darkcloud
    Why does this not surprise me? You are, after all, cruel to animals, that poor Max...
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Darkcloud
    Cindy Lou Who, I presume is who?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Darkcloud're a mean one, Mr. Grinch.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Darkcloud
    Part of the reason is because, when people started using computers for just about every single thing, they found they could make cartoons much faster and easier, that they just plain didn't care how much detail was put into it anymore and didn't even try. It all could've been better if they put in more of an effort, but they just...stopped.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Darkcloud
    All night...Allllll night...oh, every night....
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Darkcloud
    I found out something about the latest Super Sentai, Shinkenger: Apparently, a few Kamen Riders have made some appearances to the show; I don't know how many, but I found a link sometime back with Kamen Rider Decade fighting alongside the rangers.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Darkcloud
    I blame Cledus T. Judd.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, Dec 6, 2009
  11. Darkcloud
  12. Darkcloud
  13. Darkcloud
  14. Darkcloud
  15. Darkcloud
  16. Darkcloud
  17. Darkcloud
  18. Darkcloud
  19. Darkcloud
  20. Darkcloud
    Twas the night before Christmas,
    And all through spdude’s house,
    None of the creatures were stirring,
    Not Misty’s Staryu, nor P’s electric mouse.
    The trolls were all banned from the site with care,
    In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
    And Ambrosia with kookies, and DF finished with his keyboard tap,
    Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.
    When out of the forums there arose such a clatter,
    DPWolf arose from her station to see what was the matter.

    Away to the window, Repliku flew like a flash,
    Clicked open the link to break up the mash.
    Cocohints’ pic of the moon that shown on the new skin of snow,
    Gave a luster of midday below,
    When, what to CTR’s wandering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh.gmp, with eight tiny reindeer,
    With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
    Dark Link knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.exe.

    More rapid than eagles,
    A bunch of users, they came,
    He pixled and texted by name:
    “Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer!
    Now, Prancer and Vixen!
    On, Comet! On, Cupid!
    On, Donner and Blitzen!
    To the top of the forum!
    To the top of the site!
    Now dash away! Dash away!
    At the speed of light!”

    As incomplete links that occur
    From the wild trolls try,
    When they meet an obstacle,
    Sent to hither nigh,
    So across the site the gmp moved flew,
    With an arsenal of viruses, trolls,
    and Roxas clones, too.

    And then, in a creaking, I heard from comp,
    Many sizzles and sparks that occurred from every ‘:glomp:’.
    As Rosey turned in her head, and was
    Turning around,
    Down the forums did St. Nicholas come with a virtual bound.
    He was dressed, all in pixls, from his head to his boot,
    But his colors were all primary,
    No trace of soot.
    A bundle of antivirals
    For the viruses he caused,
    But he didn’t look really sincere,
    Not a real Santa Claus.
    His eyes—how they froze! His dimples,
    Not very merry!
    As expected, no color rose, nor trace of cherry!

    He dragged the n00bs out by their sigs as he shot them out
    With a bow,
    And the beard on his chin was as white
    As the skin snow.
    The stump of a vid that he clutched in his teeth,
    He started a flame war, of that he did wreath.
    He had an innocent grin, with a broad square belly,
    That moved slightly up and down,
    No bowl full of jelly.
    He was square, short, not like an elf.
    Kitty_mckechnie laughed, in spite of herself.
    A quick wink of his eye and twitch of his head,
    Soon gave us all a good reason to dread,
    He spoke not a word, but set flame with his work,
    Proving to us all he’s a pretty big jerk.
    And laying his finger aside of his nose,
    And giving a nod, dragging the n00bs as he rose;
    He sprang to his sleigh, to his pixls did hustle,
    And throughout the site, you could hear only Goofy say ‘kerscuffle’.
    The last thing we heard as the gmp vanished out of site,

    “Merry Christmas, KH-Vids,
    I know where you sleep tonight!”
    Thread by: Darkcloud, Dec 6, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives