Okay, I see what you mean. I'll grant that one: The reason is, bigger muscles for bigger legs, but it was because of bipedalism. My bad.
Nope, you missed the question.
No, you're taking a final. You're not allowed to have help on the final.
He's watching you...you better watch out.
Not even close.
Here's a hint: It's an evoultion reason.
Gotcha. Sorry about that then XD.
That's one of the reasons, yes. Name the other one.
Not if they're at the base of your legs, they aren't.
Change number 2 to 'built in airbags' and you have my initial answer.
'Why do humans have big butts? Give two separate examples.'
I think cartoon network's starting to realize how bad it's getting, because on Friday, I saw that it was playing an older episode of Johnny Bravo.
I second that notion!
Yeah, the thunderzords were from the sentai series 'Dairanger' while the original season 1/2 monsters were from 'Zyuranger'. It was only a few; the only times they did was when they, either, used the American versions of actors to fight the monsters, or the where in the Japanese version, where the used the stocks. Here here. Watch the Bulk and Skull morphicon bits on Youtube, and they discuss the preparations they did to do their bits: Hillarious!
The best clip I've ever found of Bulk and Skull: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfZJJv_jLbE Lord Zedd loved Rita's outfit so much he tried to force Kimberly to marry him in that outfit. Love to see that.
lol to the last sentence! I think what's really going to get me are two things: The way they talked back then (especially Bulk and Skull), and the giant zord fights. I watched the season where Lord Zedd brings back some of the monsters, and I can't believe what an idiot I was at the time, at how much they reused some of their stock material, especially when they brought monsters back from when it was only Rita: Not one time where the Thunderzords and the monsters in the same scene!
Two songs: Son of Man, and You'll be in My Heart, both from Tarzan. I'm Still Here, from Treasure Planet.