I'm surrounded by dirt, I can't see...and I think there's worms coming up!
*more gas oozes out of the ground*
*more gas*
*gas comes up from the ground*
*takes bow* No prob. *passes out*
*falls, bouncing* Woooaaahhhh....X_X
*follows* Where ya goin?
...I have pumpkin innards?
Hot dog, I actually got it...well, closest. Okay, it's a story of some kind. Does it involve Link?
So that's where the smell came from! Well, now it's not such a bad thing! :p
*gags, farts*
:eek: GAAH! OH NOES!
Nyah nyah :p
I'll call 1-8-421. Cheaper rates.
They can't come to the phone right now. Can I take a message?