*pulls fries lever, fries pour out* :lolface:
*looks around*....ketchup?
*runs after you, squirting mustard at you* WAHA!
Use mustard!!!
The Headless Horseman.
*chases after you with ketchup* DRINK!
*smells special sauce on your breath* Yeaaaah. Riiiiight.
*looks at your user title*....you've been hittin' the sauce again, haven't you?
You know someone's going to argue 'supervised by a man', right?
Kay. Have fun.
Lucky bum. I don't have that kind of free time. -_-;
Pretty good. Trying to get a paper done for tomorrow. You?
You put a chocobo hat on a horse and try and ride it.
Chanbara bara! Chanbara!
Is really a fan of Xigbar.
It's okay, no problem. Just threw me off since we've never met before now, lol.
Sorry, I just...have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...I'm not very inclined with computers. :huh:
Gotcha. See you later tonight. Have fun.