I'm a man people a MAN.
I don't tell jokes...I AM a joke...in the right clothes.
Then a....North American Classic. Yeah save
You are missing an American classic.
No words have been spoken truer.
I have it came in second to Stephen Colbert's book.
That would explain the shootie work 8D
The CIA is out to get me.
I never do a lot of things like watch Fox progamming.
It is not much but it is a living.
I'm a isolated island in the bahamas.
I'm the gawd banner.
I dont post.....cause I like to be stationary.
I still like popsicles.
I like popsicles.
I like the closet...you know being a vampire and all.
Clearly someone needs to read the quoted part.
But I like the attention xD
My toie still hurts ;___;
I stupped my toe.