;______; yes.......*cries like a small baby*
Ummmm....is this a trick question.
WOOOO too many big words.....lets remember who we are talking to here.
I think my head would explode before I could finish typing that xD.
Woooo wooo, I don't speak you booga booga language *joking*
xD I wouldn't know I don't speak Al Bhed.
The spanish and japanese where incorrect.
I never lie....well except on lent.
Kikame, I can't put anything past you....well except for that elephant.
I want a monkey now.
Ghey, I want my money back.
Maybe with the Silver Surfer.
Both...I guess...maybe.
Who am I again?
I don't know, I don't even know half of what I'm saying.
I'm smarter than a monkey...I swear it.
Yes I want to creat a lot of things like......ice cream.
I want to creat a salamander.
I pay child support in Seatle.....I'm kidding.....I don't pay child support. *joke*