Now to throw the attention back at me 8D
I did notice 8D *hugglez and cookie8
Why must I listen to my music in my car so loud?
Quote message in reply?
It seems to be quite all on the western front.
Man I want this week to end...big time.
Hmmmmm I want a pound of fanckencents....... mostly just to see what it is.
I like toast.....well not all my thoughts are winners.
That is good, now where does Kikame keep running off to, I ponder this in my head.
I'm doing well today, and you?
I'm here in sprit.
I'm from Australia.
I want to play with coconuts.
Oh but if only that option was avalible.
Why isn't there a beat option?
Yeah, but I like to work. It keeps my sociopath tendious in check. *jokeing of course*
I get payed 8.50 an hour ;___; I hate working long hours.
It isn't illegal but...still not a legit job 8D
Well get a job and a legit job not one like me that sells shrimp out of a van.
And???? Would you like one of my extra ones?