I posted fast.
So we are talking about Invader Zim now.
Dooom dooom dooom doom
I think I'm going to go into convotions now, excuse me.
Holy cow bite, that is a while.
Seriously dude, have you not seen my post.
Well I haven't been to the movies in a while, but then again I haven't had the time really to go.
Wouldn't that require the bending of time and space to achive that type of travel.
Yeah....wait....what? @__@
By who.........damn CIA.
So you finally agreeing I'm Gawd.
So that is how Mufassa died. I knew it
I don't lie, I'm Gawd.
Yeah, don't let that piano hit you.
I am GAWD! Thank you for your attention.
You're hired, but I can only pay you in doritos. Actually less talk more rock is a freezpop song.
Less Talk More Rock
But I want it to be Yaoi free.
But I want it to come from the heart.....so the best lie ever. Oh, and my last post wasn't a question.