I want to come out into Japan. Hopefully next year.
I'm doing the same thing....just totally opposite.
So you have a fever....that sucks :sparta:
I was on break on tuesday.
This place sure got quite after I felt.
The real question is when am I NOT plotting something.
Interesting....yes...most interesting.
The emo bunny that has creepy comments written on the shirt?
Your right I would be the lead actor.....cause I just rock that much.
I could be your super goofy side kick.
I want to be a host on G4 tv.......and make a lot of pancakes.
I want to go to comic con this year.
Yes, please. I think that would be best.
It is better if I stop while I'm ahead cause I'm about to blow a fuse here.
It isn't the dreams that are the irony here.
Am I the only one that see the irony in this?!? I mean come on.........
Really, cause I see a major paradox in that statment.
And that statement is the first I have heard that either.............okay that REALLY can't be good.
The weird thing is......that is the first time I have had a chica tell me that before.......that can't be a good sign.
Why do you hate me sooooo much ;____;