Oh, schweet! (more and more random words in gibberish)
Hi, guys! ... Good night, mom! Sleep well! So what'd I miss?
^^^^ I laughed so hard on that one! I don't scan my drawings 'cause they suck. And I only do if my friends want me to. Well, except for that one with my minis and my "drawing" of my friend.
That's awesome! Verrrry verrrry goooood! 8D
Oh. My. Gosh! That is so good, DPWolf!
Yeah! And that Sora and Sephiroth thing was funny
-DPWolf- lol! That's great!
I actually have no idea. I'm just having my random outburst moments. *stabs outbursts*
Oh em Gee, guess what! There was this awesome-looking spider on my storm door! And Destinee wouldn't come inside the house.
*muffled* One more came!
I have uno muskrat! *hides in closet with Demyx*
Story time real fast guys! (And it's a true story!) One time ... I fell running up the stairs. It's kinda like what DPWolf just said. And I dun't know how I managed it. (Another true story! None of that fake nonsense.) Then this other time ... I saw a leprechaun. His name was James Joe.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! No one told Macie we had a new member! I'm Macie, the Insane Child of our family! Or you can call me LAH or Raine. Welcome to teh happy flock!
Hey, guys! ^_^ What are we up to today?
HIIII... father? O.o *shrugs* Okay! Yeah, tell me about it. Nyeh, I gotta go get ready for school. I'll talk to you all later! (like, 9:30 PM my time)
I kinda am. I have to leave for school in ten minutes, though and I won't be back 'til 9 because I have a contest -_-'''
*giant wave* Hellllllo, family! New member? Yay! (And if not, I'm just gonna introduce myself for the heck of it :D) I'm lookaheartless!! You can call me that, LAH or Raine if you'd like. Teh "Insane Child" of this wonderful family! Welcome to our "happy flock".
Yayness! Can't wait to sees it!
Schweet! I'ma go watch it. Yay!
*waves* Hi, guys! I just walked in the door. What's going on?